
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 14:19   新浪教育



  Host: To question No. 1 of course. Now let's move on to question No. 2. What was the archaeologist team's purpose in November 2001?

  Xie Rui: In November 2001, they want to remove the 77 sites, excavated sites. That's my answer.

  Host:Question No.3. What is the largest relic-removal project in the dam area.

  Xie Rui :That is the last month about one thousand temples article. They back from the two century. That is the largest area remove to ChongQing. That is my answer.

  Host :Ok, here are her answers to all the three questions. Let `s leave it to our two judges.

  Judge:We both reach the agreement. We should give you 13.5 points. I would like to comment on the three answers you given. The first you really did a good job, but second question you did not did too well, because you say lots of word from question No.1. Thank you.

  Host :The next one is contestant No.9. Zheng Chengguang from Beijing . welcome back. Hello again. Ok, now, it is really test your listening. Please select number from three numbers left on the big screen.

  Zheng Chengguang :No.1.

  Host :How did the Jeff describe animals?

  Zheng Chengguang :They are nice, bright, easy trying, he is happiest with animals and oceans.

  Host :Question No.2. How did the Jeff become a animal trainer?

  Zheng Chengguang :According to my listening, I think firstly, he is the guy who share his happiness with the ocean. He loves animals because he think the animals are easy-going. Firstly he fall in love with animals. He thought he want to take the job as an animal trainer. I think it is really interesting to drive he to taking the job. That is it. Thank you.

  Host :Did you hear the story from the video clip?

  Zheng Chengguang :I am not sure that.

  Host:Let` s leave the questions to the judges.

  Judge:How do the animal trainer get the animals to trust them?

  Zheng Chengguang :It is so simple. Just touch them, so the animals will trust you, in very short time. That is very easy.

  Host:These are his answers to the questions. Let` s hear the two judges.

  Judge :I think you are going to misses the questions. Your first answer was perfect, but the next question if you remember his said he has gone to a party, for one of the other trainers are realized that was the job opening, he went back the next day, and got the job. That one you are complete missed. You ideas are creative, but not according to the video, you were right, you said touch them. So it is touching and rewarded. You got 11.5 points.

  Host:Let’ s welcome the contestant No.6. Which one would you like choose?

  Chen Lin:No.6.

  Host :To what does the musical “cats” owe its success?

  Chen Lin :Promote here and also introduce the American to Shanghai.

  Host :What are the daily rituals for these wigs?

  Chen Lin :They try to put the things to keep the shape. To dry up the things. And also to the cultural and way of performance this kind of things.

  Host:How will the shanghai Greed Theater mange to maintain the wigs and costumes?

  Chen Lin :They try to employ some stuff and make some kind of trains. And keep the way of thing in shanghai. This is very fictive to keep the way of thing in shanghai.

  Host :Let ‘s listen to the judges.

  Judge:We give you 7 points, it is really difficulty question for you to watch. I think “cats” owe its success, to the hairpieces and costumes, and also the characters feline. We do not think you got that question. I think you can simply , you did not get that quite right. Thank you.

  Host: Now listen carefully for the topic you will have, do we need to be more aggressive or do we need to be more modest. The topic for today's competition is “In the competitive Society, one needs to be more aggressive rather than modest.” Do you aggressive or disagree. For the proside you should say

  I agree that we should be aggressive rather than modest. For the conside you should say “No, I don't agree with this topic .” We give each side one minute to have a discussion to decide that .Who will be the first, second and the third to speak. Ready? Start. Ladies and gentlemen, today's topic for debate is “In the competitive Society, one needs to be more aggressive rather than modest.” Do you aggressive or disagree. For the proside you should say,“

  I agree that we should be aggressive rather than modest. ”And the conside holds the opinion that it is not necessary .True that one needs to be aggressive rather than modest. Let's first listen to the first speaker of the pros.

  Proside :Ladies and gentlemen, honorable judges. Our side's point of view is that we think in the competitive Society we should be more aggressive. That is because we should cherish the opportunity the society Offered to us.

  As time goes by, we could see that the society is full of opportunity.

  If you want to be modest, how could you……

  Host: Time is up. Later you will get the chance to say more.

  Conside :I think modesty is not when you can do something .You say “No, I cannot.” Modesty is that you know your limitation and your shortcomings, and know that even you are good at something, you still have some places you need to improve. That is true modesty. Modesty is really important for today's society. It is because that we have a lot of information and we have to be modest, to be willing to learn to be willing to improve ourselves, to be willing to always go ahead. Thank you.

  Host: It's the second speaker's turn. First contestant No. 13.

  Conside :In Chinese traditional culture modesty is one of the best quality

  Of people. Nowadays I think it is still useful in our competitive

  World. Because modesty doesn't mean you don't accept anything or show yourself, but to be more confidence of yourself, and to know what is shortcoming and what is your advantages. That is very important,

  because if you are modest, you will be more careful and people will know

  You will. It didn't mean you will give up every opportunity but to cherish

  Every opportunity to show yourself. Thank you.

  Host: That's for the proside again. Contestant No.4. It's time for you to attack and defend.

  Proside : Our point of view is that we should be more aggressive in stead of modest

  in this competitive society. Because the development of the society becomes more and more aggressive. And we need people to be more competitive. If we cannot be more competitive, why are we stand here and join this competition? This is an evidence to show that the fierce competition needs us to be more aggressive. Thank you.

  Host : Both sides have stated their opinion very clearly. Now let's start the free debate. Totally you have five minute for that. Ladies and gentlemen, let's start.

  Proside: I have a question for all the competitors there. If all the people are modest, no one is willing to show the true ourselves to others. How can we see the shortage for them.

  Conside: I think I have to define “modest”. In German it means you know yourself very well, and in Chinese it also means you have open mind for things. Be modest does not mean you are showing you are very good, it means you know your shortcomings. Take myself for example, I am a modest girl, but it doesn't mean I don't take the chance to come here. Our debate fellow made a very important mistake that is modesty doesn't mean you don't have opportunity. If you are very arrogant, when facing the managers or something else, probably, the manager will consider you are not very polite. You do not know the way, the behavior, the general acceptable behavior in our society. I think to be modest is a virtue every one must possess.

  Proside: Something we must keep in mind, in our society, it is the companies the enterprises that could see the talents. We can see that a lot of people in the talent market, they are seeking working opportunities. But as for the enterprises and companies, they are insufficient. I think only the aggressive ones can demonstrate what they have, what their capacity is, so that they can be implored.

  Conside: Modesty does not mean you do not show yourself. I think being modesty means showing yourself to others. Just now you mentioned that you are modest so you are confident. Can you say that confidence equals Modest?

  Proside: I am standing, I am confident, but I am not modest.

  Conside: But can you say Being aggressive equals to confidence? It can also equals to you don't your self but you. Do you think that only you know yourself is enough?

  Proside : I don't think so. I think that aggressive doesn't mean you are impolite.

  Conside: But know oneself is very important. To be modest. You know your advantages and your disadvantages. If you know your disadvantages you will try to improve it. Improve your situation, improve your character. And then you can reach a higher level.

  Proside: To know yourself is very good, however to show your self is more important.

  Conside: But modesty doesn't mean you don’t want to show yourself. I have a question for the other side. In today's society, we focus a lot on team work. Do you think a group of aggressive people can really work together? We need the modest to unite the group. I think you three are pretty aggressive. Don't you think you have a good team work. We are more modest than aggressive. We have good team work, we have good cooperation. Don't you think you are aggressive? I'm more modest.

  Proside: I think to show yourself in front of others is very important, especially teamwork. I want others to know my shortages and maybe others will overcome my shortages. So our teamwork will be perfect.

  Conside: But before you show yourself you have to know yourself. And Know yourself you have to be modest.

  Proside: We didn't say we did't know ourselves well here. Show oneself needs modesty. When you are trying to show yourself, it also possess modesty. That's the typical thought we have in China. In America when you say “oh, you are beautiful”. I will say “thank you”. Not like Chinese saying “oh, I am not beautiful, I am ugly” or something like that.

  Conside: That's a kind of different modesty I suppose.

  Proside: Being aggressive doesn't mean that you don't know what you have. On the contrary it means you know what you have. You know what your capacity is, you know what your ability is. That's a reason why you are aggressive. I mentioned again and again. To show oneself doesn't mean he/she is aggressive.

  Conside: To show oneself in a very polite way in a very modest way, this can help to improve your situation when you try to find a job in a society. Even modest people can show modesty.

  Proside: We also mentioned again and again. We want to show our aggressiveness, it doesn't mean we are not polite to others.

  Conside: Modesty will help you more. In the interview, when you show your modesty, the boss will give you a good appreciation.

  Host: That was really wonderful. A heated debating. It's time for the conclusion. First we'll start with the cons.

  Conside: As our three have mentioned, being modest is to be polite. This is a good virtue of every people I think. Being aggressiveness means you are very arrogant, or impolite some times. You try to show yourself without considering others' feelings. I think this is not good to improve you situation. Second, if you want to learn something you have to know your disadvantages and advantages. Knowing your disadvantages can improve your situation.

  Host: I am sorry. Time is up. The fighter. Contestant No.9, it's your turn. 30 seconds.

  Proside: I'd like to conclude the points of our side. First I have to make it clear that being aggressive doesn't mean being rude. In today's society, competition is so fierce. Opportunities always goes to those with aggressive attitude, because these ones are willing to show what they have. Are willing to demonstrate to their judges in their interviews. They are competitive to do their work. That's all. Thank you.

  Host: Thank you. The judges will have a short discussion about your performance in this part. They will be back in just a minute with the decision. Which side wins, let's wait and see. Your honors please take your time. I believe the judges have reached an agreement. Let’s welcome them back. The full mark is 30points. Next our judges will make some comments on the six contestant demonstration in the debate part.

  Judge: When I watch the debate, I like to watch the entertaining debate, I like to watch the intelligent debate, I like to watch the debate with passion.

  I like to watch the debate that I could be convinced with their side and I could say since came about quite quickly, both teams seams to well prepared for a while. But actually it is a pretty quick decision. Whom you team mate would be and what your topic would be. As far as being impressed, I am very impressed by the liveliness, and the cooperation between the teams and between everybody who participated. So for me it was a very good debate. I wish it could be extended for another minute. It is very good. Thank you.

  Host: The extra bona score is crucial for both sides. Let's leave it to the chairman of today's judge panel. Which side wins.

  Judge: I don't have to say being impressed anymore. Since my fellow judges have say many nice points bout you already. I will say something a bit less praising. That is in our judge meeting, We feel the conside started to kick off very well, with clearly being defined notions of what being modest is and how to be modest, modesty is a virtue, etc. We felt in the first round the conside did very good job. The proside however, didn't kick off very well, probably because of the time pressure. They didn't define their notions in a clear term. When they started to debate, they didn't know what to debate on. They gave us an impression that what they are debate on is not quite clear. During the free exchanges, I felt the proside did a very good job. But the conside although they are promoting modesty, they are not modest. They are quite modestly aggressive. I think they also did an excellent job. Eventually on our judges meeting, we had a debate too. We didn't know which side to win. It is very close. Eventually we result to voting. Our voting results are two for pros and six for cons. Eventually the conside win.

  Host: Congratulations. One bona point for contestant No.8, 13 and 6. It's time for us to take a last look at the scoreboard and we'll find out very soon who the ultimate winner is of this year's star of outlook English Talent Competition is. Just after this short break. It's time for the winner's statement.

  Zhao Wei: I feel great to be a winner. This has been a really a difficult competition. Everyone of us is absolutely excellent, outstanding and overwhelming. They made me trembling with anxiety. I'd to thank you too for releasing my anxieties. I'd like to thank all the honorable judges. I'd like to thank honorable judges who have been very kind to me and also I'd like to thank my supporters in the audience seats who have given me very big hands. Thank you. I also like to say in front of the camera, thank you mother, thank you father, who have been giving me support all the way here. I also want to thank my friends and my teachers back in Wuda, who have been so kind and who has been so caring. They encourage me and they support me. Without them I could not be standing here today. Thank you.

  Host: Thanks to everybody. And we owe our thanks to the other three contestants who have been eliminated after the first two rounds. Let's welcome them back and join us at the very end. Thank you all for coming. Congratulations. With that we'll rap off today's competition. We'll award all the award at the award ceremony. Being with us at the same time tomorrow. Everyone if you want to be the shining stars in English language learning, come and stand up for the next years' competition. See you. Bye-bye.

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