
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 15:33   新浪教育

  ☆ 比赛演讲稿

  Friendship V.S SARS

  I’m Mike. My topic is 《Friendship V.S SARS》.

  About three years ago, I started learning English. From last year, I started to go to the English corner. I have improved my English a lot there, meanwhile I have made many friends. Although I have never been to America. I can speak English so fluently that many people often asked me:“Mike, how many years have you lived in America?” Just then I felt very happy.

  Unfortunately in the spring of last year, a kind of strange epidemic rampaged about in many countries, including China. It is SARS. So there was no longer English corner. Where? Where can I practice my English? Where can I make friends? I remembered my telephone book. Maybe I can call my friends and talk to them in English on telephone. But I didn’t call them right away. Because I wondered if I’d bother them. Suddenly the ring rang. When I picked up the telephone, I heard, “Hi, this is Linda, is that Mike?” Oh! My friend Linda called me first. I was so touched. So my friends and I created the telephone English corner. Depending on our friendship, we can say proudly:“SARS! no way you can stop us from learning English.” In the struggle between SARS and us, we were winners finally. Today I have learnt how to face any difficulties like SARS. This is the way “Smile and ready for success。”Look at the red letters. We also call them SARS!

  Thank you!





  在与SARS的斗争中,我们最终成了胜利者。今天我已经学会了如何面对像SARS这样的各种困难,这就是“Smile And Ready for Success”,(微笑着为成功做好准备)。注意一下大写字母S、A、R、S,我们也可以把它们叫做SARS。

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