
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 15:53   新浪教育


  How I learnt English, eh? Well…

  As a matter of fact, I never took it as “learning”. To me, it’s just as fantastic as lying in the shadow on a hot summer day, just as fabulous as sitting in front of the fireplace during a harsh snowstorm, just as exciting as skydiving, and just as fun as … Well, you get the idea. It just can’t be explained, and you know that for someone so talkative like me to be out of words, it must be really great.

  If you take a look at my bookshelf, you will find my “equation for English-learning” written clearly on it — CDs and books… Music is 1/2 of my life, and English is the other, and it was because of these two great friends that I was able to be the happy person I am today.

  Avril Lavigne, Linkin Park, Evane Scence, J. Lo, Vanessa Carlton, Christina Millan, Jewel, and Aaron Carter… those are just some of my favs. Sometimes, I’m just lost in the sea of their melodies, that I could spend a whole day just letting the wave of the rhythm rinse me through. And you know what? It has actually helped a great deal on my listening skills, and I never need to read the lyrics now!

  “I love Rock N’ Roll”, it’s not that “Complicated”, because music is “My Love”, and being alone with it in “My World” would be “My Happy Ending”.

  Of course, if all my CDs are in English, then so should my books. I can spend hours naming out them for you, and most of them are priceless treasures of the literary world, famous for their plot, their writing techniques, and their main character’s spirits. Among them, some really did their job taking my reading ability to the next level. They were my oasis in the arid desert, my thread of sunshine on a rainy day.

  If music and English were my atlases of road to success, then my parents would be my tour guides. No need to say much about that, because I’m sure everyone understands.

  Music + English, “Together”, they became a magic stick, and in the hands of my fairy-god-parents, the door to my bright future opened immediately, with just a one tap.



  比起许多在国外生活的小朋友来说,何安若的英语水平和环境适应能力的提高速度是令人吃惊的。2000年夏天,她初到美国时除了会背出26个英文字母外,她对英语的了解几乎为零。然而,让我欣慰的是,到2003年夏天从美国返回国内时,她不仅在各个学科对她的美国同学处于优势,更让我意外的是她的英文(Language Arts)水平也超过了当地同龄的学生,老师通过各项考评给她的评价是;阅读能力已在95%的成年人之上。对于一个孩子而言这无疑是件了不起的成就。即便是成年人,要在三年的时间里从零开始直到将英语提高到如此水平也是件不容易的事,何况她还需要学习其他课程 (Science, Math, Social Studies, French, Physical Educations and Literature ), 还要利用业余时间去学习钢琴和长笛,还要有时间和同学做科学小实验等活动。






  家长 何玉麟

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