
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 15:53   新浪教育


  I'm a pretty outgoing person, but even though I have tons of friends, I still have strong feeling toward each and everyone of them, so watching my friends leave after the elimination was a tough thing for me.

  However, those feelings went away, because the 12 of us sort of just came together. There was actually something special about every competitor, or, I should say, my friends, and I guess that's why I like them a lot. We talked about music, basketball, baseball, ate together, and we sang -- for

  we all love English songs.

  But thou we're great friends, we got to be competitive on stage. Up there, we think of how to beat each other and compare our scores in our minds; but backstage, we laughed, we joked, and we comforted one another when they've mess up.

  I've taken part in a number of competitions for many kinds of things, but this was the best. I was here here to improve. I've done that. I was here, to test myself. Mission Accomplished. But I never thought I could've done a greater accomplishment -- building friendships, that I believe would last a lifetime.

  P.S. Lisa, Nancy, John, Erland cool dog, Chris, and Sally, if you ever read this, I just want to let you know, you'll be receiving disturbing calls from me!

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