
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:05   新浪教育


  People nowadays talk on and on about the so-called ‘shortcuts’ in learning English. It’s not rare for us to see college students holding a vocabulary book or even a dictionary, putting their noses into the sea of English words and phrases and trying to memorize them one at a time. For me, there aren’t such ‘shortcuts’ in the way of language learning. All we have are proper language learning approaches and a positive attitude towards the things we learn.

  As is know to everybody, four basic language skills are included in the learning process: Listening, speaking, reading and writing. It’s important that we understand these four skills should be developed simultaneously and none of these should lag behind the other. Most students in China can do a better job on reading and writing while fail to excel in listening and speaking. A lot of them attribute this phenomenon to the test-oriented English education. Even some of my friends think that it’s ‘impossible’ to learn real language skills and at the same time, score well on a test. What I’m trying to say is that it’s quite possible to succeed in exams by following a more well-rounded pattern.

  Here, I’d like to share with you how I deal with these four areas respectively.

  Listening: aside from listening materials used for exercise, we can set aside some time for some real-world English. Feel mad about all the multiple choices you have to face everyday? Why not pick up one or two movies for a change? Just laugh with the movie characters and discover how helpful the language can be. You will ultimately realize that English is more of a communicator than a theoretical knowledge.

  Speaking: It’s really not easy to express your thoughts fluently in English. Try reciting some passages of your own interest and they will convert into good phrases and sentences stored in your memory bank. Remember, there has to be certain buildup before achieving accuracy and fluency in speaking.

  Reading: the materials you select for reading don’t have to be the most complicated ones. Bottom line is, you have to be interested in what you read. While doing extensive reading, it’s unnecessary to look every word up in the dictionary. The aim for extensive reading is to take in the general idea of the passage and have fun with it. Try to speed up your reading once you’ve reached a higher level. After each read, summarize the passage.

  Writing: it will help if you keep an English dairy with you. Jot down some pieces of your thoughts once in a while and this will do you good in the long run. Also, whenever you chance upon some interesting phrases or sentences, put them down and use them in your writing.

  Having said that, I’ll take some time to talk about the right attitude in the learning process. First of all, we should understand that English as a global language is learnt to help us communicate with the world. It’s no use dwelling too much on the grades you get in a test. Second of all, we should enjoy all the little achievement that comes along with English learning. This will strengthen your interest and faith in learning and help you overcome the difficulties and obstacles you face along the way. Lastly, always believe in yourself. Everyone can learn a foreign language well so long as he puts his heart into it.








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