
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:05   新浪教育


  Be True to Yourself

  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

  The title of my speech today is Be True to Yourself.

  As I was growing up, I recall the days of watching my uncle who was board chair of a company at that time. He would go for one meeting after another with the board of directors, then volunteer at a club or at a community center. I was amazed at his strength and tenacity in holding it all together. It was only years ago that I learnt the ugly truth that he suffered from exhaustion most of the time and generally felt as if his life didn’t belong to him.

  Oftentimes, our heart is so influenced by the outside world that we can’t or would rather not hear our inner voice. In school, we refuse to hear our inner voice and blindly choose a major that’s accepted by the vast majority. In work, we deliberately ignore our inner voice and find a job that’s popular with the crowd. In love, we distort our inner voice and choose a spouse under the influence of others.

  We modern people have a way of weighing options, always striking a balance between gains and losses…but the one thing we’ve long ignored is to be true to ourselves.

  What does this mean? Well, in my opinion, it reminds us that the most important thing we can do in life is to do what WE feel to be right. You must listen to your heart. You must follow your heart. Whatever YOU decide is the best for YOU, then that’s what you need to do.

  To conclude my speech, I’d like to share with you a quote from Hamlet:`` This above all-to thine own self be true.”

  Thank you!



  今天我演讲的题目是: 对自己真实。

  我记得小时候经常观察我的叔叔。 那时他是一个公司的董事。 在参加完一次董事会议后,他又急匆匆地赶去参加下一次董事会议; 然后他会去俱乐部或社区中心做志愿服务。 我很欣赏他有那么强的意志与韧性能做这么多事情。 直到几年后我才知道这么糟糕的一个事实---他在大部分时间都觉得精疲力竭, 觉得他的生活不属于自己。

  很多时候, 我们的内心都为外物遮蔽, 从而听不到或不愿承认自己内心的声音。 在学业上, 我们拒绝倾听内心的声音, 盲目地选择众人追捧的专业; 在事业上, 我们故意忽略自己内心的声音,找一个大家普遍看好的热门职业; 在爱情上, 我们扭曲内心的声音, 在外部影响下选择爱情对象。

  我们现代人习惯为自己盘算, 权衡着可能有的各种收益与损失, 然而我们忽视了有一点:对自己真实。

  这是什么意思呢? 我认为,它告诉我们, 生命中最重要的一件事是做我们自己认为正确的事情。 你必须倾听你内心的声音, 并追随着那个声音。 只要是你认为那对你是最佳的决定, 就是你所需要做的事情。


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