
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:58   新浪教育


  Looking Forward To The 2008 Olympics

  Good afternoon, judges and friends. My name is Fan Yi. My topic is, “Looking Forward to the 2008 Olympics”.

  Since Mr. Samaranch announced that the 2008 Olympics was awarded to Beijing, both Chinese people and foreign friends have been looking forward to the wonderful time, a time when Chinese people can open our Forbidden City’s gate to the world and foreign friends can trace Marco Polo’s path to the birthplace of dragons, which has a history of about 5000 years.

  The 2008 Olympics has special meanings. It will promote understanding between China and other countries. It’ll also give us a chance to watch Olympic competitions in Beijing for the first time, a chance for which all Chinese have waited for decades. The Olympics, along with its ever-upward spirit, will push China along its current, letting us feel and experience the true meaning of the motto: “Swifter, higher, stronger!”

  To end my speech, let me cite Pindar’s words, “As in the daytime there is no star in the sky warmer and brighter than the sun, likewise there is no competition greater than the Olympic games.” Come on,everyone! Let’s count the days remaining toward the 2008 Olympics!

  Thank you very much!


  朋友们好! 我的演讲题目是“盼望2008奥运会”。





  This Is Me

  Good afternoon, judges and friends! My topic is: “This Is Me”. If I jumped out of my body, and observed myself with new eyes, the most striking quality I could find in Fan Yi should be perseverance.

  Looking at her past, I can’t believe that Fan Yi spent her time in front of the computer writing when she could have fun. Why? It’s because of her perseverance, of working towards a goal. She wanted to write an English fantasy novel. And, her dream has come true: she has finished her first 200-paged story “Swordbird”!

  Ants can carry large loads, and children can do big things. Maybe that’s what drove her on to persevere! You might feel that this is very strange, but, actually this is me, Fan Yi, an eleven-year-old perseverant writer! Thank you!





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