
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:58   新浪教育


  This competition is an unforgettable experience! From the short week, I have learned many valuable things that normally would take years to learn, and it has made me a different person. I get to know what really is failure. In the world there is no failure; we gain experience from our mistakes. The score I got really gave me a blow, but from it I know I should overcome stage fright and be brave and confident, after all, this competition is just a game!

  I would like to thank the CCTV Outlook for giving me this chance to stand on the brilliant stage, to improve English, and to made friends with excellence from all over China and see my favorite host and hostess. I would also like to thank my parents, friends and teachers who gave me their support all the way. Now, as a ‘different’ person than the girl who came to Beijing to compete, I have realized that if we just believe in ourselves and do not worry about hardships, we will always win, someway or other!

  Here I’ve written a poem for all of you:

  English learning is like planting a dainty flower,

  It’s hard but there’s always improvement’s room,

  OUTLOOK is like a refreshing spring shower,

  Caressing the petals to bloom.

  This shower, of course, affects us all, and we can see countless flowers opening their pedals across the country, forming a dazzling show of colors…

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