
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月25日 16:41   新浪教育


  Well at the very beginning I’d have to declare that the following opinions could be very personal. It is after all up to you which way to go, because you know what’s best for yourself better than anybody else. You need to build this self-trust before you start learning English. It is not the splendidly advertised courses that will offer you a shortcut to success; you should seek the right access to your destination, not the “said access”.

  To me, learning English is not exactly like learning other subjects, to be frank; I haven’t tried seriously learning it yet. I prefer self-taught though, because a language is not like Chemistry or geography which requires hours in the classroom and a whole lot of textbooks, and most importantly, a teacher there to tell you what to do from one detail to another. I have definitely rejected to follow. I don’t know, I figured that English is more like an art, like symphony or a movie that can’t be understood through the description of another person. This might sound gross but it’s true, you have to be there, try to feel the words and grasp the rules. Just like how you’ve learned to say your first Chinese words. The only difference is that it is not the language everybody around you speaks, you didn’t spend the past 16 years or something getting used to the expressions and tones, so what, it’s just a time problem, you’ve started late but not too late yet, you don’t have to go abroad, it is no way the magic to speaking native English. One thing to remember, English is a language, only that it is not your mother language.

  There’s this one summer when I was at the most boring and wandering age, 14 maybe. I had nothing to do all day except suffering from the hot weather during my vacation. I picked up this VOA tape of my dad’s which was covered up with dust. In the following days I spend much time listening to that tape, for it was what I then thought the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. There were news about the wars in middle-eastern Asia and instructions of making tofu out of beans. My favorite part was the story of cowboys in the western desserts of America. From what I remember, I chewed each every pronunciation as if they were strawberry gums, they were perfect. I guess I could fall in love for another language such as French or Spanish just like so. There’s a whole wide world hiding behind the scene consisted with letters and words, there’s history, there’s culture, there are pounding hearts. The language itself is alive. That summer is what I call the real gateway to English learning, and that tape is the best English tape I ever owned.

  Later I became addicted to movies and rock music, I guess they are part of the reason why I somehow managed the language in an invisible way. After all, I’ve never taken English as a school subject which bothers me as much as math, (this is the moment when I would desperately ask those math geniuses for help), and just like what we always hear in Hollywood commercial films -- God is fair to everyone.

  Laugh Out Loud.








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