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2008年03月11日 11:08 钱江晚报
![]() 议员们眼中的克林顿夫妇
An Arkansas state legislator once said of Bill Clinton that he would pat you on the back while he urinated down your leg. The corollary for Clinton's wife Hillary could be that she will tell the world how honored she is to share a stage with Barack Obama even as she's gearing up to smash him. Bill put it this way, back in 1981: "When someone is beating you over the head with a hammer, don't sit there and take it. Take out a meat cleaver and cut off their hand." 克林顿的连带损害 一位阿肯色州的议员有一次谈到比尔·克林顿时说,他可以拍拍你的背,同时把尿撒在你脚上。对克林顿妻子希拉里的推论是,她会告诉全世界与巴拉克·奥巴马共享一个舞台是多么荣耀。而与此同时,她正在加速图谋击败他。比尔曾在1981年这样说:“当有人用榔头敲你的头时,不要坐以待毙。拿起切肉刀,砍断他们的手。”
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