2008年03月14日 13:52 新浪教育
再来看看传统教学当中的解释:one of+可数名词复数引导的定语从句中,谓语动词应用复数;而one of+可数名词复数前有the,only或the only修饰,定语从句中的谓语动词用单数。 He is one of the students who study very hard at school. He is the(only/the only) one of the students who studies very hard at school. 矛盾出现了!怎么回事?哪个对,哪个错?难道是Alexander老先生写错了吗,把本该用的believe用成了believes? 在解决疑问之前,我们先讲一个发生在上个世纪80年代初的小故事,相信看完这个故事,大家的思路就清晰了。这里,不得不提一个人,就是哈尔滨工业大学教授,原哈工大英语专业研究生教研室主任赵振才老师,个人非常欣赏的一位多才善思、勤于耕耘的著名学者,这个故事正是听他所述,从而启发良多。 在80年代,就这个one of+可数名词复数引导的定语从句的用法,谓语动词应用复数还是单数的矛盾,曾经引发了中国教师和美国教师的一场争论,中国教师说,在上述结构中,who/that/which只能用复数名词,而美国教师则说,在上述结构中应该用单数动词。我们的中国教师无一不认为美国教师的说法是荒谬至极的,而由于当时美国老师不能出示有力的证明,这场争论就以中国老师的“胜利”而告终。 觉得很不可思议是吧?赢得极为荒谬!冷静下来,深刻挖掘其用法,其实不难发现,在one of+可数名词复数引导的定语从句中,谓语动词使用单数同样是正确的。就像是Alexander老先生在28课No parking第一句当中的表达,这一手法在新概念三册第25课The Cutty Sark首段第七行当中得以再次领略,The Cutty Sark was one of the fastest sailing ships that has ever been built.注意,定语从句的谓语部分仍然使用单数形式has。 在英文原著Days With Sir Roger De Coverley(By Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele.)中,也有相同的句式。看这一段第1句的表达,My worthy friend Sir Roger is one of those who is not only at peace within himself, but beloved and esteemed by all about him. He receives a suitable tribute for his universal benevolence to mankind, in the returns of affection and good-will, which are paid him by every one that lives within his neighbourhood. I lately met with two or three odd instances of that general respect which is shewn to the good old Knight. He would needs carry Will Wimble and myself with him to the county-assizes. As we were upon the road, Will Wimble join`d a couple of plain men who rid before us, and conversed with them for some time; during which my friend Sir Roger acquainted me with their characters.其中,关系代词who之后仍然使用谓语动词的单数形式is。 再来看看2008-2-8的一则新闻(www.thisislondon.co.uk)Blair tipped to be World Bank president as disgraced Wolfowitz resigns,其中的一段,Nobel prize-winner Joe Stiglitz, a former senior vice president at the World Bank, said: "He is one of the people that is clearly being discussed."用法一致。 这么看来,传统体制教学下的解释“one of+可数名词复数引导的定语从句中,谓语动词应用复数”就有问题了,最起码,说得不够全面。那么,按教材所说,定语从句是对one的修饰就没有问题了吗? 我们看看名家们对此如何解释,当今世界最负盛名的英美语言学家、语法专家R. Quirk说:如果在one of + 复数名词构成的名词短语的后面跟有一个定语从句的话,则定语从句中的动词的数应该跟one相一致,还是应该跟复数名词相一致,就往往存在着一个进行选择的问题。 牛津高阶的原著A.S.Hornby也说:很难断定正确与否。
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