通过购买或者雇人获取科研成果 让其他人去编程

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月12日 14:19   新浪教育

  Lesson 3: Acquire Research Results by Hiring and Buying 通过购买或者雇人获取科研成果

  Conventional economic wisdom holds that monopolies should spend heavily on research. But if you want to become as rich as Bill Gates, you have to remember that it is cheaper to wait for a small company to come up with something good and then buy them. In the old days, antitrust laws kept monopolies from buying potential competitors. But not anymore. When Microsoft products were threatened by network computers and Wed-based applications, they simply bought WebTV and Hotmail.



  Another good strategy is to hire the right people. Some of the guys who wrote Microsoft Windows had previous worked on window systems at Xerox PAPC. So Xerox paid for the research; Microsoft paid only for development.


  Lesson 4: Let Other People Do the Programming 让其他人去做编程工作

  If you're a great engineer, it can be frustrating to rely on other people to translate your ideas into reality. However, keep in mind that you're not going to get rich being "just a coder." Bill Gates does code reviews, not coding.


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