

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年08月13日 16:02   新浪教育


  河流湖泊 lakes and rivers    

  山水 waters and mountains    

  科学技术 art and science    

  中小型 small and medium    

  文艺 art and literature    

  衣食 food and clothing    

  唯一的 one and the only    

  同一的 one and the same    

  血肉 flesh and blood    

  此时此地 here and now    

  文武 military and civilian    

  三三两两 in twos and threes    

  敌我 ourselves and the enemy    

  物理化学 chemistry and physics    

  工农业 agriculture and industry    

  年月 month and year,time and tide    

  田径(运动) track and field (events)    

  迟早 sooner or later,first and last    

  水土流失 soil erosion and water loss    


新娘 the bride and the bridegroom    

  手疾眼快 quick of eye and deft of hand    

  喜怒哀乐 anger, grief, joy and happiness    

  水乳交融 as well blended as milk and water

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