2008年09月05日 11:06 新浪教育
此项研究的公开发表将不仅会扭转公众对这个问题的认识,它还将促使那些力劝近亲夫妻不要生育的医生摆脱偏见。贝内特说:“就在本周,我遇见一位23岁的妇女,她刚做过输卵管结扎手术。原因是她的父母属近亲结婚,她的医生告诉她不应该生育孩子。” 研究报告中还引用了有关“艾米”的例子。她曾与表兄保持了两年的婚姻关系。1996年,她怀孕了。她的医生建议流产。在四处咨询无果的情况下,她遵从了医生的建议。这一周,艾米写信给近亲夫妻网站说她打算多准备几份报告的复印本,并将亲自送一份给她从前的妇科医生。 The American proscription against cousin marriages grew in the 19th century as wilderness settlers tried to distinguish themselves from the "savage" Indians, says Martin, author of the book Forbidden Relatives: The American Myth of Cousin Marriage. "The truth is that Europeans were marrying their cousins and Native Americans were not." 美国人对近亲婚姻的排斥源自19世纪,原因是早期的拓荒者试图将自己同“原始的”印第安人区分开。《违禁姻亲--美国近亲结婚之谜》一书的作者马丁说:“真实的情况是欧洲人当时在近亲通婚,而印第安人却没有。” And doesn' t God have stern words on the subject? Christie Smith, 37, a Nevada writer, says she felt guilty when she fell in love with her first cousin' s son Mark. "I was trying so hard to convince myself not to have these feelings," she recalls, "that I went to the Bible looking for confirmation that it was And what I found was the exact opposite: support for cousin marriages." The patriarch Jacob married two of his first cousins, Rachel and Leah.(The Roman Catholic Church has opposed cousin marriages for more than a millennium but gives dispensation to couples considered worthy.) Smith married Mark in 1999; this year she founded a group called CUDDLE- Cousins United to Defeat Discriminating Laws through Education. wrong.
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