

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年09月08日 09:55   新浪教育

  171 That's international practice. We can't break it.这是国际惯例,我们不能违背。

  172 We are prepared to reconsider amending the contract.我们可以重新考虑修改合同。

  173 We'll have to discuss about the total contract price.我们不得不讨论一下合同的总价格问题。

  174 Do you think the method of payment is OK for you?你们认为结算方式合适吗?

  175 We are really glad to see you so constructive in helping settle the problems as regards the signing of the contract.我们很高兴您在解决有关合同的问题上如此具有建设性。

  176 Here are the two originals of the contract we prepared.这是我们准备好的两份合同正本。

  177 Would you please read the draft contract and make your comments about the terms?请仔细阅读合同草案,并就合同各条款提出你的看法好吗?

  178 When will the contract be ready?合同何时准备好?

  179 Please sign a copy of our Sales Contract No.156 enclosed here in duplicate and return to us for our file.请会签第156号销售合同一式两份中的一份,将它寄回我方存档。

  180 The contract will be sent to you by air mail for your signature.合同会航邮给你们签字。

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