2008年10月07日 16:43 新浪教育
![]() 敲敲玻璃就能购物
Polo Ralph Lauren Corp. is taking impulse shopping one step farther with technology that allows passers-by to purchase clothing they see in the windows of one of its New York stores by tapping on the glass. 拉尔夫•劳伦“马球”时装公司正进一步推动冲动购物行为——它采用了一种技术,可以让行人在路过其位于纽约的某间店铺、看到橱窗里的衣服想去购买时,敲敲玻璃就能实现。 Projected on the window of the Ralph Lauren Madison Avenue store is a 67-inch image of items including polo shirts and tennis ball boy or ball girl uniforms. Customers can shop even when the store is closed by clicking on the window glass. 在拉尔夫•劳伦 麦迪逊大道时装店的橱窗上投射着一幅67英寸大的影像,上面有开领短袖式马球衬衫和男女网球球童装。顾客甚至可以在商店关门时购物——只需敲敲橱窗玻璃。The Steven Spielberg futuristic movie Minority Report inspired the window. "I really wanted to find a way to make that amazing technology a retail reality," said company senior vice president David Lauren, in a statement. 斯蒂芬•斯皮尔伯格的科幻电影《少数派报告》是该橱窗的灵感来源。公司的高级副总裁戴维•劳伦在一则声明中说:“我很想找到一种方法在零售中实现那种惊人的技术。” The company is using the buzz-around display to promote its line of tennis apparel, in conjunction with its sponsorship of the U.S. Open. The company is also the exclusive outfitter of the Wimbledon tennis tournament, through 2010. 该公司正在用快速的切换展示宣传自己的网球系列服饰,同时也为赞助美网公开赛作宣传。一直到2010年,该公司还是温布尔登网球锦标赛的唯一的运动用品供应商。 Customers attracted to the sporty tennis clothes they see can purchase them using a credit card swiper mounted to the outside of the window. A projector beams the images onto the window pane from the inside of the shop, while a thin touch foil mounted on the glass powers the touch screen. 看上网球运动服的顾客可通过一个安在橱窗外面的 信用卡刷卡器付款购买。一架投影仪从店内向窗玻璃上投射出影像,安在玻璃上的一层薄薄的触摸板使触摸屏得以运转。The store plans to keep the display up through a while, though if it succeeds in boosting sales or buzz significantly, Polo Ralph Lauren will roll out the window displays to other stores, a spokesman said. 一位发言人说,商店拟将展示保持一段时间,不管它是成功促进销售还是产生广泛影响,拉尔夫•劳伦公司都将在其他时装店推广这种橱窗展示。
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