

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年10月30日 10:47   新浪教育

  Do you know how to respond to invitations correctly in an English context? We'll teach you how to give, accept and decline invitations.

  Accepting an Invitation 接受邀请

  You must have had the experience of giving and receiving invitations. Do you remember the last invitation from a friend? How did you settle the visit with your friend?

  一般说来,你确定接受某个邀请之后,需要跟邀请人确认date,time和place三项,并且表达你的pleasure or gratitude。



  CHRIS: Hi, Liu! How's it going?

  LIU: Fine, thanks. You?

  CHRIS: Can't complain. Listen Liu, I wonder if you would like to come round and have a meal sometime?

  LIU: Yeah, thanks a lot, that would be great!

  CHRIS: What about Saturday evening?

  LIU: Sure, Saturday evening would be fine. What time?

  CHRIS: Let's make it around six. That okay?

  LIU: Great!

  CHRIS: You know where I live, don't you?

  LIU: Yeah. No problem. Thanks very much. I really look forward to that.

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