

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年10月30日 10:47   新浪教育

  礼貌拒绝的典型例句 Refusing invitations without being offensive:

  That's very kind of you, but I'm afraid that I'm tied up on Saturday. 非常感谢, 可是恐怕我周六没时间。

  I'd really like to, but I'm already booked up for next Saturday. 我很想去,但是我下周六的日程己经安排满了。

  I wish I could, but I have an appointment on Saturday. 我真希望能去,但是我周六和别人约好了。

  Thanks for asking me, but I am going to be out of town that evening. 谢谢你邀请我,但是我那天晚上要去外地。

  I'm really sorry about that! 非常抱歉!

  Thanks, anyway. 还是谢谢你!

  I would like very much to join you another time. 希望我下次能参加。

  Invitations in the US 美国习俗

  A party invitation can turn into a nightmare if you don't know the customs and do not know how to act properly in a gathering. Don't worry! We will tell you something about American parties and how to get ready for them. 收到聚会邀请,不清楚聚会礼仪的你不必心焦,实用小贴士即刻奉上。

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