

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月28日 14:43   新东方


  4) Unreasonable or short notice to travel for interview.


  The Vortex becomes more powerful over time, and many a job seeker has called me excitedly to report, "They're flying me to New York City, tomorrow," without stopping to think: "Wait a second, they didn't ask me whether it was convenient for me to fly to New York City, now that I think about it." I know of one situation in which a candidate was pressured to fly to the company's headquarters on his wife's birthday. He was told, "If this isn't a priority for you, it isn't a priority for us, either." He wavered for an hour or two before telling them: "If my personal life and my most important relationship aren’t important to you, I don't want to work for you." If they really want you, they can wait a day or two.


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