2008年12月12日 09:50 新浪教育
![]() 十二星座特色减肥大法:摩羯座(图)
Capricorn: 摩羯座 (12. 21 – 1. 18) 你必须在努力节食和享受丰盛的美食之间做出选择 – 你的工作太忙,几乎没有时间锻炼。但是夏天海滩的诱惑可能让热爱大海的老山羊们实在难以抗拒,那么改变你的习惯吧,健康饮食,每天至少步行两次 -- 也许是上班和下班的路上。 Capricorn: (December 21 - January 18) You alternate between eating hardly at all and feasting on gourmet foods - and you almost never find time to exercise with your busy work schedule. However, in summer, the pull of the beaches may be too strong to resist for the Sea Goat. Change your habits. Eat healthy. Walk at least twice a day - perhaps to and from the office.
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