

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月09日 10:55   沪江英语





  Michael: You threw away your flowers.

  Sara: Like I said, they don't last.

  Michael: I don't think they're dead yet.

  Sara: I don't like getting attached to things if I know they won't last. There you go.

  Michael: Why are you so cynical?

  Sara: Michael, I think there's cynicism and then there's realism.

  Michael: And there's optimism. Hope, faith.

  Sara: This coming from an eight-toed guy, locked in a penitentiary?

  Michael: Toes are overrated.

  Sara: Thank you for trying to make me smile. Not today.

  Michael: You never know.

  Sara: We're all set.






  Michael: You kept it.

  Sara: Kept what?

  Michael: The flower.

  Sara: I'm a pack rat. I never throw anything out.

  Michael: Yeah, all this clutter. It's overwhelming.

  Sara: You should see my apartment.

  Michael: Whoa. We haven't even had our first date yet and you're already inviting me in. I thought you were a nice girl.

  Sara: Oh, Michael, we all know nice girls finish last.

  Michael: So where do you finish?

  Sara: That depends on where I start. Deep breath. Exhale. Inhale.

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