

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月09日 10:55   沪江英语





  Sara: Hello?

  Michael: Sara. It's me.

  Sara: What do you want?

  Michael: I don't have time to talk. There's every chance they're listening to this call right now. But there's a lot I want to say. Please don't hang up on me.

  Sara: I don't。..I don't wanna talk to you.

  Michael: I heard about。..I heard about what happened. And I want you to know。..I want you to know how sorry I am. For everything.

  Sara: Sorry's not gonna do me a whole lotta good with what I'm up against right now.

  Michael: Listen. Anyone with any ties to me and my brother is in danger now.

  Sara: I have no ties to you and your brother anymore.

  Michael: There is a way I can protect you. It's already in your possession.

  Sara: What are you talking about?!

  Michael: It was real, Sara. You and me. It's real.

Sara: Michael? Michael?






  Michael: I've arranged for us to get to Panama. We're meeting up with my brother tomorrow.

  Sara: Wait, that's your plan? To run away to Panama with the two most wanted men in America? Michael, I came here because I thought you were gonna have real answers for me.

  Michael: This is an answer. And right now it's the only one we've got.

  Sara: Running away into the sunset with the man who lied to me? Really? I mean, did you know about the other guys? Did you know that I would be putting T-Bag back out onto the street?

  Michael: I never meant for that to happen. I was doing what I needed to do. My brother was gonna die.

  Sara: Now my father's dead.

  Michael: I am sorry about your father. I'm sorry for a lot of things. For what I did to you. I have many。..many regrets. But that's the biggest.

  Sara: That doesn't help me right now.

  Michael: I'm sorry for that too. I didn't expect you to, uh。..I didn't expect you to forgive me. But I don't want you to, uh。..I don't want you to be alone in this.

  Sara: I don't wanna be alone.

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