

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月09日 10:55   沪江英语





  Sara: What do you want from me, Michael?

  Michael: Sara。..I need you to do something for me.

  Sara: What?

  Michael: Wait for me. It won't always be like this. In this room. In this place.

  Sara: Until then, I can't. We can't. Damn it. I can't.






  Sara: You're asking me to break the law.

  Michael: I'm asking you to make a mistake. Not hurt anyone. Not steal anything. Just。..forget to lock up. Leave the door unlocked when you leave tonight. That's it. Please.

  Sara: This is where you're breaking out of? This room?

  Michael: There are alarm contacts in the glass surrounding the door. Otherwise, I wouldn't need you to。..

  Sara: I was part of your plan. Was it all an act?

  Michael: At first. Yes. I needed to be here. But then I wanted to be here. With you.

  Sara: Right.

  Michael: And it's killing me to know that you'll never believe that. Whatever you may think of me, this is about Lincoln. Don't make him pay for my mistakes.

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