

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月10日 14:45   新浪论坛

  3. Start Small. Changing habits isn't a matter of willpower, but patience and strategy. Don't expect to overhaul your diet, exercise or thinking patterns in a day. Tackle one habit at a time.


   4. Know the Benefits. Get clear in your mind what the benefits are of making a change. If making a change rationally seems good but it doesn't feel good, it won't stick. Emotions have more power than many of us realize.


  5. Write it Down. Winston Churchill once said, “Plans are useless, planning is invaluable.”Writing out any commitments you make will give you clarity both to what you desire and how you intend to do it.


  6.Swish. A technique from NLP. Visualize yourself performing the bad habit. Next visualize yourself pushing aside the bad habit and performing an alternative. Finally, end that sequence with an image of yourself in a highly positive state. See yourself picking up the cigarette, see yourself putting it down and snapping your fingers, finally visualize yourself running and breathing free. Do it a few times until you automatically go through the pattern before executing the old habit.


  7. Tell a Friend. Get some leverage on yourself. Tell a friend your plan so you will be more likely to commit to the change.


  8. Make it an Experiment. Be a scientist. Just try the new habit to see what it will be like, rather than a great emotional struggle. This will help keep you focused on conditioning the trial and allow you to view results with less bias.


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