

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月10日 14:45   新浪论坛

  13. Add Role Models. Start spending more time with people who live the way you want to live. Join groups and find mentors who have already adapted the habits you want to take on. They can be invaluable in giving you the positive reinforcement and guidance you need.


  14. Stay Consistent. Try to keep as many aspects of your habit in control when conditioning to make the associations stronger. For the first month don't just exercise a few times a week, but every day. Do things at the same time and in the same pattern to ensure your results stick.


  15. Keep it Simple Stupid! Habits should be one or two rules, not 20. If your plan looks like a User License Agreement from Microsoft, it's probably too long. Keep changes simple so they will be easier to adhere to.


  16. Remind Yourself. Put reminders of your habit around you. After spending a few years changing many habits, I've learned that one of the biggest ways I've failed is simply a poor memory. Forgetting to run a trial one day leads to two until your back where you started. Put up Post-It notes, affirmations or whatever you need to stay consistent.


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