

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月23日 15:19   沪江英语

  白羊座 3.21-4.19

  Your week starts under a lot of powerful emotional & psychic energy... This deeper awareness can give you clear & precise insights into what is really going on & what is likely to happen in the future... (cool or what?)... This energy will shift and you'll slide right into your high cycle of the month... You know what needs to get done... Get up & get busy while the planets are favoring your actions. An awesome week!!


  金牛座 4.20-5.20

  This energy will try to pull you in many different directions... It's very important for you to understand that as long as you maintain your natural balance, everything will have a way of working out in your favor. This is when you'll face the temptations to change your path & direction but your chart indicates you are on the right track & just need to "keep the faith" because the universe is backing you。


  双子座 5.21-6.21

  The biggest thing to keep in mind this week is that the universe isn't going to allow you to continue moving forward in a "business as usual" kind of way... Right now, matters are beyond your ability to control & are challenging you to put your talents & abilities to use in order to help raise you up to a higher place or position. This means listening & considering opposing points of view. Changes are coming。


  巨蟹座 6.22-7.22

  Your chart indicates this can be the start of a tremendous new professional/career cycle... You'll find the restrictions & obstacles that have held you back in the past are all being removed... This allows you the freedom to pursue your dreams with your full force. Personal excellence is extremely important this week, so make sure there are no moral & ethical slip ups that could come back to embarrass or haunt you later on。


  狮子座 7.23-8.22

  Your chart energy is full of passion & an earthy sensuality that will rise to the surface... This transit has a way of waking up every cell of your body & filling you with a fresh excitement & a new motivation to take on your hopes, dreams & wishes. Later in the week is when you'll shine the brightest in the eyes of others. All eyes will be upon you, let them see you at your best。



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