2009年02月23日 15:19 沪江英语
处女座 8.23-9.22
This is a week when there may be serious & personal temptations that you'll need to overcome... You can expect all the "right" reasons & excuses to "take the easy way out" or to make lousy decisions you might later regret. Do yourself a favor, focus on personal excellence & allow nothing to turn your mood or attitude negative. In fact, this is the time to put as much heart & soul into each & everything you do。 这一周你需要避免一些可能会严重的个人诱惑。你可以靠正确的理由赶快逃脱,也可以做些糟糕的抉择等着将来后悔。帮帮自己,把重心放在你自己的优点上,不要让任何东西影响你的情绪和态度。实际上,这段时间做任何事情,你都需要全力以赴。 天秤座 9.23-10.22 A certain level of detachment is needed this week... Your chart indicates you need to adhere to the absolute "letter of the law" in all the agreements or commitments you have made, but at the same time be willing to take a step back & allow others to do the same. In many cases, you can find others might let you down, but this will also open the door to open new doors of opportunity。 这一周你需要适当地“无情”一些。这一周在任何协议方面你都要严格遵守法律规定,同时,你也需要有所让步,让别人也同样这么做。在很多情况下,你会发现别人可能会让你不高兴,但这也能使你得到了一些新的机会。 蝎子座 10.23-11.21 This week's chart gives you extreme mental powers of clarity & understanding... This is when everything suddenly starts to make sense & you can see how everything really fits together... That also means that you can see & determine the exact path needed to get to your hopes, dreams & wishes. This heavy mental activity has a way of draining your physical energy, so be sure to get the rest & relaxation you need. Protect your personal health。 这一周你显得尤为思维清晰、善解人意。所有事情都开始走向合理,你会看到事情是怎样互相联系。这也意味着你可以确定为了追求梦想你要选择什么样的道路。繁杂的脑力工作消耗着你的体力,一定要记得休息休息,放松一下。注意个人的健康。 射手座 11.22-12.21 Your week is designed to be light & lively, but at the same time there are serious decisions that need to be made & these cannot be delayed any longer. You are being pulled in different directions & as long as this happens you are losing ground. You are being asked to "pony up" and assume the leadership responsibilities & obligations you are being asked to accept. New love & romances are very likely to appear at this time。 这一周你的生活轻松活泼,但也有一些重大的决定要做,不可以再向后延迟。你会被带到很多方向,这样一来你就可能失去自己的立场。别人需要你来为行为“买单”,你要负起作为领导者的职责。这一周,很有可能得到一段崭新的恋情。
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