

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月23日 15:19   沪江英语

摩羯座 12.22-1.19

  Your chart energy is totally geared towards leading you to where you can do what is needed to prepare for your future. There is a deep psychic awareness that goes along with this transit... It's where you can just "know things" with little or no effort. This is when you must trust your gut instincts. Your chart is very optimistic but also matter of fact. Deep personal & romantic feelings rise to the surface。


  水瓶座 1.20-2.18

  Your chart indicates there can be moments of "sensory overload"... This is when your mind just cannot handle any additional thoughts or insights as they are flowing in faster than they can be processed. Pay attention as much as you can, but make sure you are giving your body the rest needed to recharge when needed. Financial opportunities & personal windfalls are likely to appear suddenly. Avoid any dark & heavy conversations that bring you down。


  双鱼座 2.19-3.20

  Your chart energy is nearly perfect this week... Try to accomplish as much as possible... This transit will show off your talents & abilities to others... Your personality shines the brightest & others are radically attracted to you... So speak directly from the heart & soul... Many new personal relationships will be formed at this time... The planets are energizing your financial future... You can feel the electricity & excitement in the air... Something way-cool is happening!!!


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