

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月26日 09:55   新浪教育


  81届奥斯卡颁奖典礼丝毫没有受到经济危机的波及,规模较往年更大,形式也花样翻新。今年的主持人Hugh Jackman是大家都很熟悉的澳洲演员,在许岑老师即将开讲的“看电影,学英语”课程里面,还重点涉及到Jackman主演的Kate and Leopold.

  Jackman在一开场就这样揶揄the academy—

  The academy likes to salute range—

  Kate Winslet—an English who plays a German in the reader, nominated

  Robert Downny Jr.—an American who plays an Australian who plays an African American, nominated

  Whereas me, an Australian who plays an Australian in a movie called Australia, hosting。

  So I am the host this year but that’s not the only thing that is different. Everything has been downsized because of the recession. So next year, I am going to be playing in a movie called New Zealand。

  the academy likes to salute range 这句话的意思是,academy awards 一向倾向于多元性,range在这里很显然指的是diversity. 也就是因为Jackman自己不多元,所以他只有主持的份儿。

  紧接着,Jackman 把话锋转向Mickey Rourke,他说 –I want you to say whatever is on you mind. You know we have a 7 seconds delay tonight but if you win, we will switch to a 20 min delay. Mickey Rourke 曾经一度是好莱坞当红演员,但是在他声名鹊起的时候却自毁前程,但是在经历了消沉和失意之后,终于东山再起。Jackman的意思是说,不管你有什么疯话傻话或者很多心理话都尽管说,大不了我们延迟20分钟。在奥斯卡当天,我们看到不少嘉宾以及Jackman都在不停的提到Mickey Rourke的名字,以此作为对他的鼓励和支持。在得到最佳男主角提名时, Ben Kingsley这样提到他——

  This is a guy who gets a second shot back in the ring and back in his life. Only a fiercely honest actor could be so effective as a guy who hasn’t had it easy, who has clearly learned the value of a chance and redemption. We are better off having you in the ring. The returning champ! 这里面提到的ring指的是拳击场,之所以这么说当然是因为Rourke在Wrestler里面的出演。

  每年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的开场都会拿现场的嘉宾和获奖者开一通玩笑,今年当然也是如此。看着. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt,Jackman说, I actually don’t have a joke for them. I am just contractually obligated to mention their names at least 5 times tonight—我没有给他们准备什么笑话,只是根据合约,我有义务在今晚至少提到他们的名字各五次。Jolie和Pitt分别获得最佳男女主角的提名,所以多提几次他们的名字也无可厚非。

  Meryl Streep 几乎年年都是大家开玩笑的目标,她成绩辉煌,而且人缘极好。Jackman说,Meryl Streep has 15 nominations –that’s a record. When someone puts up numbers like that it is high enough to think steroids. 而Steroids 指的是performance enhancing drugs used and abused in sports。

Best supporting actress

  今年奥斯卡的一大看点就是把以往的得奖者扎堆请来宣读,热闹不同寻常。Whoopi Goldberg 在评价她的提名人时,说It’s not easy being a nun—take it from one who is been there and back(很显然,她指的是他从前的那部影片 修女也疯狂 sister act)。她紧接着说,first of all, your face never look thin; you never get to wear pants and your love interest is always off screen. But in spite of this, Amy Adams showed us how a woman could sum up the courage she didn’t know she had and place herself in the middle of a deeply troubling moral mystery. She was compelling and moving without a doubt. 很有意思的是,这部让Amy Adams获得提名的影片就是doubt. 一个doubt 让4个演员获得提名,除了Amy Adams,片中另一个演员也获得了最佳女配件提名,Viola Davis,她出演那个男孩子的妈妈。另外,Meryl 因为这个电影获得女主角提名,而Hoffman则是最佳男配角提名—显然,Doubt 应该是值得一看的影片。

  Penelope Cruz 在得奖后激动万分的说,我45秒钟之内可说不完!--it’s not going to be 45 seconds. has anyone fainted before? Cause I think I might be the first one. thank you woody for trusting me with this beautiful character. Thanking you for having written all these years some of the greatest characters for women. …I always felt that this ceremony is a moment of unity for the world because art in any form is, has been and will always be a universal language and we should do everything we can to protect its survival。

  Best original screen play

  Tina Fay and Steve Martin 的出场引发笑声一片,作为著名晚间娱乐节目Saturday Night Live的当家人,他们出场时气势不凡,和他们笑星的身份形成极大的发差。当他们两个人在黑暗中缓缓走向舞台中央的时候,背后的大屏幕上打出这样的字来:

  The two incredible presenters walk out to center stage。

  The crowd is amazed by the star power and beauty of the two presenters。

  The audience members are too stunned to leap to their feet except for those consumed by bitter jealousy。

  当气氛造好,灯光这时才打在他们身上,让观众看清他们到底是谁,这时,背后大屏幕打出这样的字样The audience breaks into a wild, uncontrollable applause,而现场的观众也很捧场的鼓起掌来。两个嘉宾接下来说了一段像是crosstalk一样的对口词:

  It has been said that to write is to live forever // And man who wrote that is dead。

  Every great movie starts with a great screenplay // Or a very good idea for the poster, but usually a screen play。

  And every writer starts with a blank page and every blank page was once a tree // And every tree was once a tiny seed and every tiny seed was placed on earth by the alien king。

  他们终于适可而止,没有把oscar颁奖现场变成Saturday Night Live 的恶搞现场。

  得奖者Dustin Lance Black 是一位年轻的剧作者。领奖的时候,他说道,I hope one day I can fall in love and probably get married. 他之所以这么说,其实是因为他自己也是一名同性恋者,就像影片中的Milk 一样。在致词的最后,他说,I promise you not before long we will have equal rights federally in this great nation of ours。


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