

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月26日 09:55   新浪教育

 Best actress

  Sophia Loren 在提到她的提名人的时候,说,it is hard to know where to begin with the next nominee, her name itself has come to represent a whole world of unmatched excellence. So it is probably best to simply start there. Meryl Streep. 就像她说的那样,Streep的名字几乎代表了一个无人企及的标准,因此任何介绍都是多余的了。在79年的影片克莱默夫妇中(Kramer vs. Kramer),Streep 和 Dustin Hoffman 合演了一对离婚的夫妇,但是为了争夺孩子的抚养权不得不再次面对对方。我个人非常喜欢这部电影,片子情节动人,演员表演细致入微。Streep和片中另一女演员Jane Alexander 同时夺得当年最佳女配角奖,这在奥斯卡历史上几乎是没有的;Hoffman因为这部影片夺得最佳男主角,而当时只有4岁的小演员Justin Henry 也得到最佳男配角的提名,again, 这也是oscar的记录了。

  Shirley MacLaine 在提到她的提名人Anne Hathaway 的时候说,

  You fearlessly stepped into the shoes of someone struggling with addiction and grief. I think you are an amazing example of every young actress in this business because you are not afraid to show both your dark and your bright side。

  Hathaway 在Rachel’s getting married 里面扮演了一个在戒毒所里面刚刚度过9个月时间的女孩Kym,她从戒毒所里面被暂时放出了仅仅是为了参加姐姐的婚礼。而重新面对家人对于她来说充满了挣扎。Hathaway对于这个人物的演绎至少让我对她有了新的认识。

  影片中有一段动人的祝词,是一个family friend在祝福Rachel 和Sidney 的新婚之喜。他说, May you live to be a hundred and I a hundred minus a day so I would never know beautiful people like you passed away。

  Hathaway的一年其实并不平静,她多年的男友因为financial fraud做了班房,这对她打击很大。而在面对Barbara Waters的访谈的时候,她说, 在过去的一年里,我知道了一件事,being vulnerable is not being weak. You got to let others help you sometimes。

  Kate Winslet 最终了却心愿,在5 个 Oscar nominations 后终于捧得金人。在她speech的最后,她说,I have to acknowledge my fellow nominees—I think we all can’t believe we are in a category with Meryl Streep at all. I am sorry Meryl but you will have to just suck that up. 这当然是once again 对Streep的极大的褒扬。

  Best actor

  每年Oscar 的压轴当然都是最佳男主角。Robert De Niro 这样评价了Sean Penn, 他说—

  How did he do it? How for so many years did Sean Penn get his job playing straight man? Being a movie star can get in the way of acting but not for Sean Penn, Sean loses himself in every role. Sean brings his commitment to his off screen life—you see him campaigning for human rights, respectfully advises the world leaders and gently, gently reasons the paparazzi. Tonight it is important to be a great actor and in life, it is great to be a human being。

  Sean Penn 上台后,在他第二次领取了小金人的后,他志得意满的把台下的观众叫做--you commie, homo-loving sons of guns—当然,他这么叫,心里充满的是appreciation and love。

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