

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月26日 09:55   新浪教育

  Best animated feature

  最佳动画奖的颁奖嘉宾是Jennifer Aniston 和Jack Black, 而Jack Black 就是功夫熊猫的配音演员。看到熊猫输给了wall-e, Jack Black 打了一个小小的抱不平。

  当Aniston颁发最佳动画短片奖的时候,她说,a lot of people mistakenly think it is easier to win the best short animated film。

  Jack Black 立刻接过话题,说道,but that is not true. The shorter your movie, the less time you panda has to work its way into America’s heart. 在他看来,熊猫输给wall-e的原因就是因为影片本身短了那么一截子。

  Best supporting actor

  今年最佳男配角的得奖是英年早逝的Heath Ledger, 他在the Dark Knight 里面出色的表演甚至盖过了Hoffman的风头。英年早逝我们可以说是premature death, and Ledger was awarded an Oscar posthumously。

  在评价Seymour Phillip Hoffman的表演的时候,颁奖嘉宾说道,fortunately for us, Phillip, your commitment for the truth in every moment keeps us exactly where we should be—unsettled, unsure, and uncertain. For this again this year, we sing your praises。

  Sing sb’s praises的意思就是大唱赞歌。

  Best documentary

  颁奖嘉宾Bill Maher是美国著名的stand up comedian, 他新近刚刚制作的一部纪录片,用来宣传他的无神论的观点。 他在颁奖致辞中说道,

  As a producer and a star in a documentary of my own this year—the one about religion that didn’t get nominated—I know it is a touchy subject but someday day we all do have to confront the notion that our silly gods cost the world too greatly. But there I go, I am ruining the ending. I am grateful that I live in a country where I can even put this film out。

  The documentary film makers truly are a window into the world. They give us candid looks beyond our own circumstances and make us aware of the greater humanity around us. You should go see their movies are—starting with mine。

  Maher 毫不掩饰他的无神论观点,也从来不怕因此得罪人。 在他几年前接受Larry King 的采访时,现场打进来一通电话。在他和那个打进电话来的观众之间发生了如下对话--

  CALLER: "Hi. Well, my question is, the Lord spoke to me approximately three years ago, and if the Lord spoke to you [Maher], I was wondering if you'd become a believer."

  MAHER: "No, I'd check into Bellevue, which is what you should do..."


  Reese Witherspoon 是一个来自Tennessee的演员,她的颁奖词里面充满了南方人的俏皮劲儿。因为在walk the line 里面的出色表演,Witherspoon得到过Oscar就加女主角奖。

  There is one person we have yet honored. For those of you at home, they are the Ceo, the head honcho, the grand poobah, the big cheese。

  CEO, head honcho, grand poobah, 和 big cheese 当然都是一个意思,指的都是the most important person. 除了这几种说法外,我们还可以说,big fish, big shot, 或者 big gun。

  Witherspoon 接着说on site they can be you mother, your father and your therapist. They can even manage hostage negotiations when certain actor/actress having trouble coming out of their trailer—not I am speaking about myself but you know who you are. Ben stiller。

  很显然,Witherspoon 在这里拿Ben Stiller 开了个玩笑,说他是那个不愿意从化妆车里面出来的演员,以至于导演要像作人质谈判一样去请他出来。

  接下来,Witherspoon 用漂亮的语言大大的称赞了导演在一部影片中的作用。The director is a grand collaborator taking inspiration from all artists around them to create one singular vision, clarifying the screen writer’s words, creating a visual language with the cinematographer, helping each actor find a true emotional connection to their character, designing each shot so that everything in the frame adds to the immediacy of the story telling, making sure that every creative aspects work together to elevate craft to the level of art。


  Danny Boyle,Slum Dog Millionaire 的导演最终捧得金人归,他在台上上蹿下跳的实现了曾经对他的孩子的许诺: My kids are too old to remember this—but I swore to them, if this miracal even happens, I would receive it in the spirit of tiger from Winnie the Pooh。

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