

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年03月03日 09:38   沪江英语

 处女座 8.23-9.22

  You'll feel the natural energy surge through your veins during the first part of the week... This is when the passions & desires inside you really start to come alive... it's when your body's cells want to cry out in thanks just for being alive... You can succeed at anything you can put your heart, soul or emotions into. Obviously it's about as perfect as you can get for love & romance. As the week goes on, the energy will shift towards putting into practice the lessons & wisdom you've gained... The importance is upon keeping & maintaining an open mind & being willing to adjust your ideas & opinions should new information become available to you. This is a good time to share your thoughts & feelings with others... Don't be afraid to open up & tell others how you really feel... Especially the romantic thoughts。


  天秤座 9.23-10.22

  The first part of your week is all about finding & doing whatever is necessary to restore the right level of balance in your life. It's all about making sure you are meeting others "half-way" and also making sure others are treating you fairly too. This is a great time for any social activities... And is even better for starting new relationships or adding needed fire into existing ones. As the week goes on, your feelings & emotions will intensify and this is when you need to maintain a firms & solid control over your thoughts & actions. It will be very easy to get caught up or swept away by your feelings... So you need to be sure you temper your actions with rock solid logic & reason. The weekend can be a terrific time to go out & have fun... Especially if you can meet new people & have fun!!


蝎子座 10.23-11.21

  During the first couple days of the week you need to make absolute sure the things you say & do can be backed up by rock solid facts & figures. If you make a claim or a statement, you better be able to "back it up"... You can also expect others to challenge your ideas & opinions too. This can be an eye-opening time & lead you towards new discoveries or lead you in new directions. Career advancement/changes become likely too. Early Wednesday the energy is going to shift & depend totally on your ability to get along, compromise & join forces with others. What might be impossible for one person to do can be a piece of cake for two or three... That's what this energy is all about... It's there to create solid working relationships with others... It'll also work to intensify existing ones too... (especially romantic ones)... Just be sure you honor your agreements or commitments made to others。


  射手座 11.22-12.21

  Your week starts out in your most creative & inventive cycle... This is when the right ideas just seem to pop into your head at the right time. If that's not enough, this is when others will all look to you for insight & guidance. If called upon, you're expected to "pony up" and assume a greater leadership role or position in the lives of others. As the week rolls on... The entire energy will shift & put the focus on your ability to communicate more effectively... This is when you need to be more guarded about the things you say as they'll have a tendency to come back at you... (either positively or negatively)... It's when being organized & willing to correct minor problems can spare you from all kinds of future aggravations. Speak from the heart when asked direct questions... Even if that causes others to feel challenged or un-easy... People might not like what you say, but they'll respect you for your honesty。




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