
http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年03月03日 09:38   沪江英语

  白羊座 3.21-4.19

  Your week really starts out golden... You'll be in your high cycle & somehow, someway just about everything you do will have a way of working out in your favor... (cool or what?)... The first couple days you'll want to do everything you can to showcase your own individuality & originality... It's during this time you are & have what everybody wants... The middle of the week & into the weekend is totally different... This is when your internal financial awareness kicks in & gives you the knowledge & understanding about what you need to do & when to do it to ensure your future prosperity. Pay attention to what others are saying because the universe is trying to open the doors to financial abundance by showing you where you are adhering to ideas or habits that no longer work.


  金牛座 4.20-5.20

  The first couple days of this week will make you ultra sensitive to the "vibes" others are sending out... It's very likely you'll be more aware of the thoughts & feelings of others than they will be themselves... This energy gives you a penetrating insight into the real & true motivation of others... It can help you know what's needed to help & assist them or to motivate them into taking positive actions. Later in the week the energy shifts as you slide into your high cycle of the month.., (cool or what?)... This is when you'll shine extremely brightly in the eyes of others... You'll want to be as original as possible & stand tall & share your thoughts & ideas with others... You must consider your words very carefully & not say anything in private that you wouldn't say in the middle of Main Street。


  双子座 5.21-6.21

  Your week starts out with the intention of causing you to rid yourself of the "ruts & routines" of Modern Life. This energy is all about putting your imagination & creativity to work for you & being willing to try out new ideas or solutions in trying to solve long existing problems. This energy adds to your social abilities making you a lot of fun to be around. New friendships are possible at this time. The second part of the week can be very emotionally intense... This is when you need to be very aware of your "mood or attitude" and do whatever is necessary to "shake off the negativity" if you feel it approaching. You cannot allow anything to cause you to turn away from your hopes, dreams & wishes. Your perceptions cannot be totally relied upon at this time so you need to rely only on rock solid facts。


  巨蟹座 6.22-7.22

  Right from the start of the week your words, actions & even your "look" should speak loud & clear of your professionalism & talents & abilities. All eyes are focused on you so your "positive actions" will be taken with "awe" and they'll be willing to pounce all over you should you make a moral or ethical mistake. This is when your actions need to be centered around what is in "everybody's" best interest. Later in the week, the universe is giving you the green light to try out your new ideas or theories... It's like "the teacher has left the room" and you have total freedom to try out anything you want... (cool or what?)... Hehehe... Your social skills will shine brightly at this time... Others will love to be around you & they'll seem to need your warm sense of humor。


  狮子座 7.23-8.22

  I'd try to slow yourself down during the first part of this week to make damn sure you're not overlooking blaring mistakes or ignoring important truths because they don't quite seem to match up with your overall plans & objectives. The universe is trying to share some "hidden" truths with you in order to avoid having to learn some "hard lessons later on". The middle & end of the week is when you need to step right up & be willing to assume a greater leadership role or position. Without appearing like you're "showing off"... This is when you should really go the extra mile to allow others to see you at your very best. You must understand that you are being held to higher standards than others, so you've got to go the extra mile in just about everything you do。



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