2009年04月15日 15:32 新浪教育
Millions of us are in danger of "meltdown" because we race through life at break-neck speed, psychologists have warned。 心理学家警告说,数百万计的人们由于生活步调过快,都面临着精神崩溃的危险。 The findings, released by Virgin Media, came from an online survey of 1,968 adults。 在"Virgin Media"网上发布的该项调查共询问了1,968名成年人。 The study examined the speed at which Britons complete a range of everyday tasks such as eating, spending money and having sex。 该项调查询问了英国人在诸如吃饭、购物和性生活等日常生活的琐事上面会花多少时间。 A study revealed that scores of us are bolting down our evening meal in less than ten minutes. Others are hurrying through love-making in just two minutes. Workers are also frittering their monthly wages well before their next payday。 研究显示,许多人都把晚饭缩减在10分钟之内吃完,还有好些人只用两分钟便匆忙完成做爱,在下个月发薪日前便花完了上个月的薪水。 The study also highlighted regional variations, with those in the North East topping the poll as the fastest-living. Interestingly, those in busy London often led the most laid back lives。 调查指出居民的生活节奏具有地域化差异,住在英格兰东北部居民的生活步调是最快的。有趣的是,印象中繁忙的伦敦人反而最懂得享受生活。 The startling results indicate that we are doing things faster than ever before, and demanding instant gratification。 令人惊异的调查结果表明,英国人的生活步调比以前任何时候都要快,并且执著于立即能得到的满足感。 Almost one in five workers spend their entire monthly salary in the first week. And almost half run out of money before pay day。 几乎五分之一的人在领薪水的第一个星期就把整个月的薪水花光,几乎一半的人在下一个发薪日前把钱花光。 Those in the North-East are the quickest to put their hands into their pockets, according to the research. A quarter will spend their wages within a week of being paid and an astonishing 8 per cent get through the lot on pay day。 调查显示,英格兰东北部的人花钱速度最快。四分之一的人在一周内就把整个月的薪水花光,8%的人在领薪水当天就荷包见底。 Yorkshire residents are the most frugal, with half claiming their pay lasts until the end of the month。 住在约克郡的人是最节俭的,那里一半的人表示他们的薪水可以用到最后一天。 Folk in the North-East also top the list of the nation's fastest lovers. One in six spends less than ten minutes in the throes of passion and 3 per cent spend less than two minutes having sex。 英格兰东北部的人连做爱都是最快的。六分之一的人做爱时间不超过10分钟,3%的人不到两分钟就完事。 In contrast, those from Birmingham spend the longest time having sex, with 14 per cent regularly making love for more than 45 minutes。 比较而言,伯明翰人做爱时间最长,有14%的人平均花45分钟享受性爱生活。 Overall, a third of us spend less than 20 minutes having sex. And in stark contrast to our European neighbours, a fifth of Britons spend ten minutes or less eating a typical evening meal. Almost half finish dinner in less than 15 minutes。 几乎有三分之一的英国人做爱时间少于20分钟。与欧洲邻里国家形成鲜明对比的是,五分之一的英国人晚饭用餐时间不超过10分钟,几乎一半的人少于15分钟。 Psychologist Honey Langcaster-James said we are now living at a "crazy pace"。 心理学家兰霍尼·卡斯特·詹姆斯警告说,英国人生活步调“快得令人疯狂”。 She said: "The question we have to ask ourselves is, where is this going to end?" 她说:“我们必须问自己一个问题:这么做的最终结果会是怎样?” "In a few years, are we going to see ourselves spending even less time with loved ones and bolting down meals in just a few seconds? “几年后,我们希望看到自己与所爱的人相处时间越来越短?还是要在几秒钟内就吃完一顿饭?” "There is a real danger people are heading for meltdown unless we slow down and realise that there are only so many hours in the day. If Britons continue to live their lives at such speed, they risk a number of 'potentially serious consequences'." “如果不放慢节奏,真正接受一天只有24小时的事实的话,人们总有一天会精神崩溃。如果英国人继续像这样子快速生活,他们就会面临一系列潜在的严重后果。” "Relationships and family values could begin to suffer if we don't make enough time for our loved ones. And our health is at risk if we don't take steps to manage our time more effectively," she said。 她说:“如果没有花时间与家人相处,那么家庭关系和伴侣关系将受到危害。如果不采取措施并妥善地运用时间,我们的身体将会吃不消。” 网友评论
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