2009年09月18日 14:24 沪江英语
成功如迈克尔·杰克逊,也难免介意自己的容貌,忍不住处处动刀。渴望美丽永驻是人之常情,靠脸吃饭的明星更是如此,但有人大方承认,有人又爱又恨,更有人绝口不提。 前辣妹成员Geri Halliwell
前辣妹成员洁芮·哈莉维尔承认自己使用过肉毒素。据《每日邮报》网站报道,洁芮说这玩意儿给她带来了巨大的头痛,还有一个呆板的额头,“我不敢说我以后再也不用它了,但是我现在想要让自己努力相信看到自己的年龄增长也没什么大不了的。” She did! Former Spice Girl Geri Halliwell admitted to using Botox, but claims that it gave her (aside from a stiff forehead) a huge headache, according to the Dailymail.co.uk. "I’m not saying I’ll never do it again, but for now I strive to look for examples that show me it’s OK to age, " Halliwell confessed。 “发哥”周润发
中国演员周润发对于自己如何保养并不避讳。这位《卧虎藏龙》的男主角在今日《龙珠》真人版电影宣传活动中向记者承认自己早在1989年眼睑下垂之时就动了个手术。他还开玩笑说他把自己的医生介绍给了所有香港同胞:“他那儿价廉物美嘛!” Chineseactor Chow Yun-fat isn't hiding how he keeps a fresh face. The'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' star admitted to reporters at a recentevent for the upcoming 'Dragonball: Evolution' that he first gotsurgery in 1989 when his 'eyelids began to droop.' He even joked that he would recommend his doctor to anyone in Hong Kong. 'He's cheap and good.' 影后妮可·基德曼
“我这可是天生丽质。”妮可·基德曼面对外界说她肉毒素注射上瘾的传闻如是回应:“我脸上没啥别的东西。我很注意抹防晒霜。我也不吸烟。把自己照顾得很好。对此我很自豪。” "I am completely natural," Nicole Kidman told Marie Claire, on rumors that she's a Botox junkie. "I have nothing in my face or anything. I wear sunscreen, and I don't smoke. I take care of myself. And I'm very proud to say that." 名模辛迪·克劳馥
超级模特辛迪·克劳馥近日为法国《风尚》杂志拍摄写真时承认有注射肉毒素、胶原蛋白和维他命,让自己美貌常驻。 Supermodel Cindy Crawford, who recently sizzled in a shoot for French Vogue, has admitted to using botox, collagen and vitamin injections to keep her good looks。 泽塔琼斯老公迈克·道格拉斯
迈克尔·道格拉斯承认自己2000年在与凯瑟琳·泽塔琼斯结为连理之前做了拉皮手术。 Actor Michael Douglas admitted to getting a facelift before his marriage to actress Catherine Zeta Jones in 2000. 网友评论
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