2009年10月21日 11:13 沪江英语
初来乍到的贝拉当然和当地的学生穿得颇不一样,因为她来自阳光灿烂的地方,阴沉多雨的Forks让她措不及防。所以电影开始她没有穿雨衣啊啥的,看上去轻便很多。 “I wanted to dress Bella (Kristen Stewart) apart from the Forks kids because she arrives there as an outsider [from Arizona],” explains Twilight's costume designer, Wendy Chuck. “She's in lots of warm earth tones, with some Southwestern elements thrown in。”Being the new girl in school wasn't the only obstacle Bella faced: “Having come from a warm, sunny climate to the rainy gloom of Forks, we wanted to make her unprepared for the cold and the rain。” Which is why, Chuck explains, we don't see Bella in a raincoat until later on in the tale。 DRESSING EDWARD
爱德华人如其名,给人感觉就是一英国标准绅士的范儿,彬彬有礼,魅力十足。所以他的穿着也是复古与现代相结合,脚踏20世纪风格的绑带鞋,上面却是更现代一点的运动装。 In order to dress Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) in a manner befitting the teen idol that author Stephenie Meyer envisioned, Chuck says she turned to the royals of the early 19th century: ''His name personifies his look, which to me was English Edwardian. He's the embodiment of an Edwardian gentleman — very proper, has manners, and is very charming.'' The vampire's clothes weren't all inspired by history, though. As Chuck points out, ''He wears a pair of shoes that are lace-up and of the early 1900s, but then he also wears more current sporty clothes.'' EDWARD'S PEA COAT
爱德华那件看上去很赞的厚呢短大衣是度身定做的,外面买不到哦!一共也就为电影拍摄做了3、4件。为了更好地体现吸血鬼的风格,设计师特地选择了低调的灰色,并且被做成了有现代气息的经典款式。 ''Everybody wants to know where his pea coat came from!'' exclaims the costumer. Unfortunately, it is a one-of-a-kind piece (er, sort of: three to four were made for filming purposes) which Chuck herself crafted after not being able to find the perfect one. ''We needed the right fit, [and] I couldn't find anything in the right shade of gray,'' she recalls. ''Catherine [Hardwicke, the director] is really big on back story for her characters and anything that can help that, even if it's in a texture or color of clothes.'' After considering ''probably 20 swatches,'' Chuck went with one from Mood Fabrics and based her final design on a combination of other styles of pea coats. In the end, his turned out as ''a classic shape with a modern twist.'' 网友评论
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