2009年10月21日 11:13 沪江英语
在停车场英雄救美的那出戏里,贝拉身着Rubbish牌的棕色连帽衫,戴着Ruth Cross的连指手套,都不是什么大品牌,这是服装师有意而为之的。因为按照贝拉的个性呢,她可不是那种追逐时髦的女孩子。 During the pivotal parking lot scene, Bella wears a hoodie by Nordstrom store brand Rubbish and mittens by Ruth Cross — a conscious choice by Chuck to not use designer brands: ''My look is always character-based and not fashion-based. It's really easy to get over-stylish, and I felt that Bella in particular had to be anchored in the real world.'' BELLA'S CREAM THERMAL
因为在华盛顿取景,天气经常很冷,所以贝拉的兜帽衫底下还有好几层衣服,其中就包括这件米白色的Curious Gypsy保暖衣,袖子上还有能钻出大拇指的孔,很特别。 Filming in Washington during the winter months meant dealing with icy temperatures, so nestled under Bella's brown hoodie were lots of layers, including this long-sleeved cream top. The thermal, by Curious Gypsy, had thumbholes on the sleeve, making it ''a bit unusual and different,'' notes Chuck。 BELLA'S BLUE JACKET
这件Jack BB Dakota夹克衫本来不应该在电影里出现的。服装师本来就像在这幕使用前面那件兜帽,可是因为贝拉的头发也是棕色,画面上衣服和头发全都融在了一起。最后时刻服装师跑去店子里借了这件衣服来。而现在由于众多粉丝的要求,这件“暮色”夹克已经以84美元的价格出售咯。 The cargo jacket by Jack BB Dakota wasn't actually supposed to appear in Twilight. ''I was planning to use the brown hoodie for that sequence, but the director of photography hated the fact that her hair and the jacket were both brown and felt she got lost in it,'' says Chuck, who then made a last-minute run to outlet store Nordstrom Rack to hunt for a replacement. ''I literally brought that blue one on set just before they rolled cameras. Then Catherine said, 'Wendy saved the day!' That made me a hero.'' Good news for fans: Because of its massive popularity, the newly dubbed ''Twilight'' jacket had been reissued in July for $84. BELLA'S ACCESSORIES
随着剧情的发展和贝拉感情的变化,女主人公的服饰也有很大的转变,开始从假小子的打扮转向更女性化的了。Lucky Brand的刺绣上衣,加上服装组手工打造的戒指和手镯,女人味十足。 As Bella's feelings for Edward change, careful viewers may notice a shift in her wardrobe, as well: ''Her sense of style becomes less tomboy and more feminine,'' Chuck says. ''So rather than go wildly feminine because she was always wearing pants, that really left me to find some pieces that had a little feminine touch.'' (This particular embroidered top is by Lucky Brand。) Also adding to the girly quotient were Bella's accessories: a moonstone ring (which, as Chuck recalls, was made by the props department), a headband (another custom creation), and a delicate turquoise bracelet, which was ''something that we were to think her mom gave her,'' adds the costumer who found the original cuff in L.A. and had six copies made to fit Stewart's tiny wrist。 网友评论
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