2009年10月21日 11:13 沪江英语
库伦家族都是吸血鬼,但是黑色却不合适,冰冷的感觉比较重要,所以灰白蓝是最好的选择。此外,这家人超有钱,他们的服饰品味自然要高很多。 Chuck had to pay special attention when mapping out clothes for the blood-sucking Cullen brood. ''I didn't want to go too traditional black... I wanted them to feel cold and frozen.'' So she outfitted the family in grays, whites, and blues, while being careful to not go too over-the-top. ''The Cullens have wildly expensive taste and money. At the same time, I had to anchor them in the practical world of going to school and being able to blend with everyone else.'' MORE ON THE CULLENS...AND THAT CREST
Rosalie的运动上衣来自GUESS,配以Forever 21的柔美围巾,以及特制的项链。其实库伦家族的成员都有以自己不同的方式佩戴某个特定的饰物。Alice也在脖子上挂了,她穿的则是来自Anthropologie的蕾丝羊毛开衫。乖僻但富有艺术气息的Alice会穿一些有质感有层次的服饰,而且穿得很有个性。 Along with a blazer from GUESS, Rosalie (Nikki Reed, left) wears a scarf (which Chuck remembers as Forever 21) and a Cullen crest necklace made by the props department. ''When I first met Catherine, I presented the idea that the Cullens should have a crest that they would wear in different ways,'' the costumer says. ''It's a very old-world thing to do.'' Alice (Ashley Greene), who's also sporting a smaller version of the family crest around her neck, wears a lace cardigan from Anthropologie. ''She's kooky and very artistic, so it was important to throw texture and layers on her, and for her to wear things in unusual ways.'' BELLA'S PROM DRESS
贝拉的舞会装扮注定会是万众瞩目的焦点,所以选择得慎之又慎。短外套是个经典款式,但是有重新剪裁设计过;而裙子的则是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫——才花了20块钱在折扣店里买得了这件蓝色丝绸裙装。 Knowing all eyes would be on Bella's prom look, Chuck had to choose carefully. The bolero was a vintage piece that she cut, restyled, and re-sequined. The dress was a little more serendipitous: ''It was miracle find!'' exclaims Chuck, who picked up the Max and Cleo silk dress at discount store Ross — and for $20. (Fun fact: Chuck also purchased the only other one left in the store so she could use the extra material to create one long dress. But, in the end, she left the dress as-is, using the second for a photo double。) ''I always say I channel clothes, I don't necessarily design them — it's divine sometimes the way it happens!'' 网友评论
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