
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年11月20日 16:38   新浪教育

  The UnitedStates and China look forward to expanding discussions onspacescience cooperation and starting a dialogue on human spaceflightand space exploration, based on the principles oftransparency,reciprocity and mutual benefit.  Bothsides welcome reciprocal visitsof the NASA Administrator and theappropriate Chinese counterpart in2010.


  The UnitedStates and China agreed to strengthen their cooperation on civilaviation, and confirmed their intent to expand the Memorandum ofAgreement for Technical Cooperation in the field of CivilAviationbetween the Federal Aviation Administration of the UnitedStates of America and the Civil Aviation Administration of China(CAAC). The two sides welcomed cooperation by public andprivate  bodies on the development of high speedrailway infrastructure。


  The UnitedStates and China  undertook to implement the newlysigned Memorandum of Understanding Between the Department ofAgriculture of the United States of America and the Ministry ofAgriculture of the People's Republic of China on Cooperation inAgriculture and Related Fields。


  The twocountries agreed to collaborate further in joint research inthehealth sector including on stem cells.  They willdeepen cooperation on global public health issues, includingInfluenza A(H1N1) prevention, surveillance, reporting and control,and on avianinfluenza, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, andmalaria.  They will also enhance cooperation onfood and product safety and quality。


  The UnitedStates and China underlined that each country and itspeople havethe right to choose their own path, and all countries shouldrespect each other's choice of a developmentmodel.  Both sidesrecognized that the UnitedStates and China have differences on the issue of humanrights.  Addressing these differences in thespirit ofequality and mutual respect, as well as promoting andprotecting human rights consistent with international human rightsinstruments, the twosides agreed to hold the next round of theofficial human rightsdialogue in Washington D.C. by the end ofFebruary 2010.  The United States and China agreedthat promoting cooperation in the field of lawand exchanges on therule of law serves the interests and needs of thecitizens andgovernments of both countries.  The United Statesand China decided to convene the U.S.-China Legal Experts Dialogueat anearly date。


  The twocountries noted the importance of people-to-people and culturalexchanges in fostering closer U.S.-China bilateral relations andtherefore agreed in principle to establish a new bilateralmechanismto facilitate these exchanges.  The two sides arepleased tonote the continued increase in the number of studentsstudying in eachother's country in recent years. 

  Nearly 100,000 Chinese are nowstudying in the United States, andthe U.S. side will receive moreChinese students and facilitate visaissuance for them.  The UnitedStates hasapproximately 20,000 students in China.  TheUnited States seeks to encourage more Americans to study in Chinaby launching a new initiative to send 100,000 students to Chinaover the coming fouryears.  China welcomed thisdecision by the United States.  The twosidesagreed to expedite negotiations to renew in 2010 the ImplementingAccord for Cultural Exchange for the Period Through 2010-2012 undertheCultural Agreement Between the Government of the United StatesofAmerica and the Government of the People's Republic of China.TheUnited States and China agreed to jointly hold the SecondU.S.-ChinaCultural Forum in the United States at an appropriatetime。


  II. Buildingand Deepening Bilateral StrategicTrust


  The UnitedStates and China are of the view that in the 21stcentury, globalchallenges are growing, countries are moreinterdependent, and theneed for peace, development, and cooperationisincreasing.  The United States and China have anincreasingly broadbase of cooperation and share increasinglyimportant commonresponsibilities on many major issues concerningglobal stability andprosperity.  The two countriesshould further strengthen coordinationand cooperation, worktogether to tackle challenges, and promote worldpeace, security andprosperity。


  The twocountries believe that to nurture and deepen bilateralstrategictrust is essential to U.S.-China relations in the new era. Duringtheir discussions, the Chinese side said that it resolutelyfollowsthe path of peaceful development and a win-win strategyofopening-up, and is committed to promoting the building of aharmoniousworld of enduring peace and commonprosperity.  The United Statesreiterated that itwelcomes a strong, prosperous and successful Chinathat plays agreater role in world affairs.  The United Statesstatedthat it is committed to working with other countries inaddressing themost difficult international problems they face.China welcomes theUnited States as an Asia-Pacific nation thatcontributes to peace,stability and prosperity in theregion.  The two sides reiterated thatthey arecommitted to building a positive, cooperative andcomprehensiveU.S.-China relationship for the 21st century, and willtake concreteactions to steadily build a partnership to addresscommonchallenges。


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