
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年11月20日 16:38   新浪教育


  The UnitedStates and China underscored the importance of the Taiwanissue inU.S.-China relations.  China emphasized that theTaiwan issueconcerns China's sovereignty and territorial integrity,and expressedthe hope that the United States will honor itsrelevant commitments andappreciate and support the Chinese side'sposition on this issue.  TheUnited States statedthat it follows its one China policy and abides bythe principles ofthe three U.S.-China joint communiqués.  TheUnitedStates welcomes the peaceful development of relations acrossthe TaiwanStrait and looks forward to efforts by both sides toincrease dialoguesand interactions in economic, political, andother fields, and developmore positive and stable cross-Straitrelations。


  The twocountries reiterated that the fundamental principle ofrespect foreach other's sovereignty and territorial integrity is atthe core ofthe three U.S.-China joint communiqués which guideU.S.-Chinarelations.  Neither side supports any attempts byany forceto undermine this principle.  The twosides agreed that respecting eachother's core interests isextremely important to ensure steady progressin U.S.-Chinarelations。


  The UnitedStates and China believe that bilateral cooperation oncommon globalchallenges will contribute to a more prosperous andsecureworld.  They reaffirmed their commitment made on27 June 1998not to target at each other the strategic nuclearweapons under theirrespective control.  The twosides believed that the two countries havecommon interests inpromoting the peaceful use of outer space and agreeto take steps toenhance security in outer space.  The two sidesagreedto discuss issues of strategic importance through suchchannels as theU.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue andmilitary-to-militaryexchanges。


  The UnitedStates and China agreed to handle through existingchannels ofconsultations and dialogue military security and maritimeissues inkeeping with norms of international law and on the basisofrespecting each other's jurisdiction and interests。


  III.Economic Cooperation and Global Recovery


  The two sidesare determined to work together to achieve moresustainable andbalanced global economic growth.  To that end, thetwosides noted that their forceful and timely policy responseshelped stemthe decline in global output and stabilized financialmarkets.  The twosides agreed to sustain measuresto ensure a strong and durable globaleconomic recovery andfinancial system.  The two sides reiteratedthatthey will continue to strengthen dialogue and cooperationonmacro-economic policies.  The two sides pledgeto honor all commitmentsmade at the inaugural meeting of theStrategic and Economic Dialogue,the G-20 summits, and APEC inSingapore。


  The two sidescommended the important role of the three G-20 summitsin tacklingthe global financial crisis, and committed to work withothermembers of the G-20 to enhance the G-20's effectiveness asthepremier forum for international economiccooperation.  The two sidesagreed to worktogether, including through a cooperative process onmutualassessment to make the G-20 Framework for Strong, SustainableandBalanced Growth a success.  The two sides welcomedrecentagreements by the G-20 to ensure that the InternationalFinancialInstitutions (IFIs) have sufficient resources and toreform theirgovernance structures in order to improve IFIscredibility, legitimacyand effectiveness.  The twosides stressed the need to follow throughon the quantified targetsfor the reform of quota and voting shares ofIFIs as soon aspossible, increasing the voice and representation ofemergingmarkets and developing countries in these institutionsconsistentwith the Pittsburgh Summit Leaders Statement. 

  They alsoagreed to work together to strengthen the capacity oftheseinstitutions to prevent and respond to futurecrises。


  The two sideswill further enhance communication and the exchange ofinformationregarding macro-economic policy, and work together topursuepolicies of adjusting domestic demand and relative prices tolead tomore sustainable and balanced trade and growth. 

  China will continue to implement the policies to adjust economicstructure, raise household incomes, expand domestic demand toincrease contribution of consumption to GDP growth and reform itssocial security system.  The United States willtake measures to increase national saving as a shareof GDP andpromote sustainable non-inflationary growth. To achieve this, the United States is committed to returning thefederal budgetdeficit to a sustainable path and pursuing measuresto encourageprivate saving.  Both sides will alsopursue forward-looking monetarypolicies with due regard for theramifications of those policies forthe internationaleconomy。


  The two sidesrecognize the importance of open trade and investmentto theirdomestic economies and to the global economy, and arecommitted tojointly fight protectionism in all its manifestations. The twosides agreed to work proactively to resolve bilateral tradeandinvestment disputes in a constructive, cooperative, andmutuallybeneficial manner. Both sides will expedite negotiation ona bilateralinvestment treaty. The two sides are committed toseeking a positive,ambitious, and balanced conclusion to the DohaDevelopment Agenda in2010.


  The two sidesspoke highly of the outcomes of the 20th Meeting ofthe U.S.-ChinaJoint Commission on Commerce and Trade.  The twosidesreaffirmed the commitment at this JCCT meeting and lookforward totheir full implementation。

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