
http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年11月26日 11:32   新浪教育
Kate White Cosmopolitan
Kate White Cosmopolitan

  Kate White Cosmopolitan

  While the magazine about sex is also packed with quite a bit of fashion, editor Kate White dropped some spots this year on the list. Why? Lack of media presence, a 20% drop in the number of ad pages and a 15.8% decrease in advertising revenue。

  8. 凯特·怀特《大都会》


Joanna Coles MarieClaire
Joanna Coles MarieClaire

  Joanna Coles MarieClaire

  Coles’ choice to hire Project Runway judge Nina Garcia as fashion director in May 2008 and her decision to allow camera crews into the editorial offices via The StyleNetwork’s reality series Running in Heels elevated the magazine’sprofile。

  9. 乔安娜·科尔斯《嘉人》

  科尔斯在2008 年5月聘请《天桥骄子》节目的评委妮娜·加西亚担任时尚总监,并允许摄制组进入编辑部,通过时装网的真人秀节目《穿着高跟鞋狂奔》提升杂志形象。

Ann Shoket Seventeen
Ann Shoket Seventeen

  Ann Shoket Seventeen

  Shoket dropped one place this year, but she didn’t fare aspoorly as Teen Vogue’s Amy Astley, who was displaced from the listaltogether. Both of these editors struggle with a demographic almost entirely focused on Internet entertainment。

  10. 安·肖克特《17 岁》


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