2009年12月15日 15:22 沪江英语
TOP FIVE ISLAND DESTINATIONS 全球前五最佳岛屿景色 ![]() Chiloé, Chile 智利 奇洛埃
Chiloé, Chile 智利 奇洛埃 The Chiloé archipelago's pristine seascape (pictured in this 1998 photo) is one reason the islands tiedfor third place in a new ranking of the world's best kept islanddestinations—and quite a few that are succumbing to tourism overkill. 奇洛埃岛质朴的海景(图片摄于1998年)是该岛名列最新榜单“世界保存最完好的岛屿”成为季军的原因之一,而很多岛屿都因为旅游破坏过重而没有入选。 ![]() 英国苏格兰 设得兰群岛
Shetland Islands, Scotland, U.K. 英国苏格兰 设得兰群岛 A lighthouse by the Eshaness Cliffs is shown in thisundated picture of the Shetland Islands, which tied with two otherdestinations for third place among 111 islands rated on theirpreservation record and forecast。 最新图片中显示了设得兰群岛的爱莎奈斯悬崖(Eshaness Cliffs )的一个灯塔,此岛与另外两处凭借其保存完好风光和预示在111个岛屿中名列三甲。 As one of the 522 expert judges said in the November/December 2007issue of National Geographic Traveler magazine, the islands have "spectacular sea cliffs;pristine beaches; fascinating geology; over a million breedingseabirds; the highest density of otters in Europe; regular sightings ofkiller whales; and superb displays of rare sub-Arctic flora." 522为专家评审中的一位曾在《国家地理旅行者》的2007年11、12月刊中说过:此岛拥有“壮观的海崖;质朴的海滩;迷人的地理景色;上百万只饲养的海鸟;欧洲密度最高的水獭;虎鲸时常出没;亚北极地区罕见的植物群在此华丽的呈现。” About 130 miles (210 kilometers) north of mainland Scotland, theislands were applauded for the preservation of both heritage and ecology, despite nearby oil developments。 在苏格兰主导以北约130英里(即210公里)的地方,一些岛屿因历史遗产及生态的良好保存而受到赞赏,尽管其附近在开采油田。 "A unique blend of Scotland and Nordic culture," wrote anotherexpert. "Somewhat remote, the Shetlands have protected the environmentand continue to attract tourists and maintain other sectors (fishingand oil) in harmony." 另一个专家写道:“这里是苏格兰和北欧文化的独特融合,尽管有些偏远,设得兰却一直在保护这里的环境,继续吸引游客,并维持了其他部分(捕鱼及石油开采),这一切在这里和谐共存。” ![]() 挪威 罗浮敦岛
Lofoten, Norway 挪威 罗浮敦岛 The Lofoten island group—including the town of Reine(pictured)— tied with two other destinations for third place among 111islands rated on their record of sustainable environmental and cultural practices。 包括勒奈(Reine)城在内的罗浮敦群岛(如图)与另外两处景点,凭借其一直以来对环境及文化的实践在111个岛屿中名列三甲。 "The weather is often rotten, but the beauty of the sea, rocks, andhouses is awe-inspiring," said one of the 522 experts judging theislands。 522位评判此群岛的专家曾这样说:“通常这里天气十分恶劣,但是这里大海、岩石以及房屋的美丽却令人惊叹。” The rankings were listed in National Geographic Traveler magazine's November/December issue in 2007. 此排行刊登在《国家地理旅行者》的2007年11、12月刊上。 Like many of the list's top-scoring islands, the Lofoten archipelagoin the Norwegian Sea has avoided excessive tourism partly because itsnippy climate doesn't draw the beach-party set. Lofoten won praise forits "deep, placid fjords," and "jagged, rocky peaks." 与榜单上其他得分较高的岛屿一样,挪威海的罗浮敦群岛避免了过度旅游的问题,因为这里凛冽的气候并不适合海滩晚会。罗浮敦群岛因其“纵深、平静的海湾”和“起伏、多岩石的山峰”而获此殊荣。 Still, "cruising tourism is a threat," cautioned another expert ranker。 而且另一位曾任军官的专家也曾警告说:“在此乘船旅行可能会遇到危险”。 网友评论
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