2009年12月23日 14:31 沪江英语
十大神秘人物第六位——Fulcanelli Fulcanelli(1839-?1953)是19世纪后期一个法国炼金术士,同时他也作为作家,这是他的笔名,至今他的身份仍不能确定。有关于他的一生及其作品有太多的神秘,因此他代表了一种文化的现象。在其铺天盖地般的传说中,有一个就被一遍又一遍地说起,这就是他深爱的一个学生(EugeneCanseliet,如图)成功地将100克的石墨转化成黄金的故事,而其中转化的关键就是这个学生用到了少量他的老师给他的,所谓的“投射粉”。 据说在二战的后期,阿勃韦尔(德国情报部门)为了获得Fulcanelli关于核武器技术的知识,计划抓到Fulcanelli,但是都无功而返。Fulcanelli后来会见了法国的一个原子物理学家,并把核武器技术的详细资料给了他,还对他说,核武器在过去很长一段时间里,已经被反人道地运用了。 “据Canseliet说,他最后一次遇到Fulcanelli是在1953年(那年之后Fulcanelli就消失了),他说他前往西班牙被带到坐落在高山里的古堡,与他的老师见面。在Canseliet的印象里,老师已经是个80多岁的老人,但当时出现在他面前的老师变得却比以前更年轻了,看起来他只是50多岁的样子。这次简短的团圆之后,Fulcanelli再次消失于世,没有留下任何下落。至此,到1953年的时候Fulcanelli应该有114岁了。” 6 Fulcanelli Fulcanelli (1839 - ?1953) is a pseudonym of a late 19th century French Alchemist and author whose identity isstill unknown. Much mystery surrounds his life and works - leading to him being branded a cultural phenomenon. One of the more extravagant tales retells how his devoted pupil (Eugene Canseliet - pictured above) successfully transformed 100 grams of lead in to gold with the use of as mall quantity of “Projection Powder” given to him by his teacher。 It is believed that on the verge of World War II, the Abwehr (Germanintelligence service) was in active (but fruitless) pursuit of Fulcanelli because of his knowledge of the technology of nuclearweapons. Fulcanelli had met with a French atomic physicist and givenhim accurate details regarding nuclear weapons technology and he claimed that atomic weaponry had been used against humanity in time long past。 “According to Canseliet (Fulcanelli’s student), his last encounterwith Fulcanelli happened in 1953 (years after his disappearance), whenhe went to Spain and was taken to a castle high in the mountains for arendezvous with his former master. Canseliet had known Fulcanelli as anold man in his 80s but now the Master had grown younger: he was a manin his 50s. The reunion was brief and Fulcanelli once again disappearedleaving no trace of his whereabouts. At this time, Fulcanelli wouldhave been 114 years old。” 十大神秘人物第五位——D·B·库帕
十大神秘人物第五位——D·B·库帕 D·B·库帕(又叫做“丹·库帕”)是给一个臭名昭著的劫机犯的名号。此人于1971年11月24日,携带着20万美元的勒索金,从一架当时正好飞行在美国西北太平洋地区南卡斯卡底某地上空的波音727飞机后面,一跃而出。 库帕从那时开始就从没被见过,当然也不知道他跳机时是否还生还。1980年,一个八岁大的男孩在哥伦比亚河边发现了总数为5800美元的面值20美元的钞票,这些湿透的钞票是被河水冲刷来到了岸上。钞票的序列号刚好与库帕劫机的勒索金一致,这就使得后来追踪库帕变得更容易了。 库帕是背着一个降落伞从登机梯后面跳机逃跑。后来航空主管部门对飞机的设计加强了改进措施,防止此类事件再度发生。此外,这个事件促使机场首次安装了金属探测仪。 5 D. B. Cooper D. B. Cooper (aka “Dan Cooper”) is a pseudonym given to a notorious aircraft hijacker who, on November 24, 1971, after receiving a ransom payout of $200,000, leapt from the back of a Boeing727 as it was flying over the Pacific Northwest somewhere over the southern Cascades。 Cooper has not been seen since and it is not known whether he survived the jump. In 1980, an eight year old boy found $5,800 of soggy $20 bills washed up on the banks of the Columbia river. The serialnumbers matched those of the ransom money which had been noted to makeit easier to track Cooper later。 Cooper escaped from the plane by jumping off the rear air stair with a parachute leading aviation authorities to add stricter measures about the design of planes to prevent it from happening again. In addition, this event caused airports to install metal detectors for thefirst time。 网友评论
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