2009年12月23日 14:31 沪江英语
3 Man in the Iron Mask The Man in the Iron Mask (died November 1703) was a prisoner held ina number of Jails (including the Bastille) during the reign of KingLouis XIV of France. The true identity of the man is unknown because noone ever saw his face which was hidden by a black velvet mask. Fictional retellings of the story refer to the mask as an “Iron”mask. The first records that mention the prisoner are from 1669 whenLouis XIV’s minister placed the prisoner in the care of the governor of the prison of Pignerol。 According to the letter that accompanied him, the man’s name wasEustache Dauger. The letter instructed the governor to prepare a cellwith multiple doors - to prevent anyone outside from listening in. The prisoner wastold that if he spoke to anyone of anything other than his immediateneeds, he would be killed. The Governor was the only person who was tosee the prisoner, and he provided him with his daily food. When theprisoner died, all of his belongings were destroyed. To this day, noone knows who he was。 十大神秘人物第二位——吉尔·佩雷斯
十大神秘人物第二位——吉尔·佩雷斯 吉尔·佩雷斯是一名西班牙士兵,在1593年10月26日那天,他突然现身在墨西哥城。他当时正身穿一身卫兵制服,这个制服只有在菲律宾的德尔·戈博南多宫殿的士兵才穿。他说他并不知道他为什么会出现在墨西哥。他描述说,在他发现他来到了墨西哥的之前,他正在马尼拉的总督宫殿值岗哨。他还说,总督(Gómez Pérez Dasmariñas阁下)刚刚被杀害。 两个月之后,来自菲律宾的消息经一艘船漂洋过海到了墨西哥。墨西哥人知道了总督确实是被杀害了,他们还从其他方面查证了佩雷斯的身世故事。有目击者证实说,佩雷斯在来到墨西哥之前,他是真的正在马尼拉执行任务。而且,船上有一个的乘客认出了佩雷斯,并发誓说,他在10月23日那天在菲律宾见过佩雷斯。佩雷斯最终回到了菲律宾,重新开始了他的生活。他平安无事地度完了他的一生,直到他死去。 2 Gil Pérez Gil Perez was a Spanish solder who suddenly appeared in Mexico City on October 26, 1593. He was wearing the uniform of the guards of the Del Gobernador Palace in the Philippines. He claimed to have no idea how he had managed to appear in Mexico. He stated that moments before finding himself there, he hadbeen on sentry duty in Manila at the governor’s Palace. He told themthat the governor (Don Gómez Pérez Dasmariñas) had just been assassinated。 Two months later, news arrived from the Philippines by ship. Theycarried news that confirmed that the governor had been killed and theyverified other aspects of Perez’s story. Witnesses confirmed that Perezhad indeed been on duty in Manila just before arriving in Mexico. Inaddition, one of the passengerson the ship recognized Perez and swore that he had seen him in thePhilippines on October 23. Perez eventually returned to the Philippinesand resumed his life - which was uneventful until his death。 十大神秘人物第一位——伍匹德的绿孩子
十大神秘人物第一位——伍匹德的绿孩子 伍匹德的绿孩子其实是有两个孩子,他们在12世纪时出现于英国索夫克郡伍匹德的一个乡村里。一个男孩一个女孩,他们一身的绿色的皮肤,此外一切外表都跟平常人一样。他们说着一种不为人知的语言,拒绝吃任何食物除了豆荚的豆子。后来,他们的皮肤褪去了绿色。当他们学会了英语,向人们解释说,他们来自“圣马丁地”,那里是个黑暗的地方,因为太阳在地平线下,从来不见升起。他们说,他们是在照看父亲的牛群的时候,听到钟声然后沿着一条光河一路走,最后发现他们来到了伍匹德。 一些非同寻常的理论,试图解释孩子的由来。有的说他们是地心的孩子;有的说是二维世界的孩子;而有的直接说他们是外星人的孩子。 1 Green Children of Woolpit The Green Children of Woolpit were two children who appeared in the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, UK, in the 12th century. The children were brother and sister and they had green colored skin. Their appearance was normal in all other areas. They spoke an unrecognized language and refused to eat anything other than pitch from bean pods. Eventually their skin lost its green color. When theylearned English they explained that they were from the 'Land of StMartin' which was a dark place because the sun never rose far above the horizon.They claimed that they were tending their father’s herd and followed ariver of light when they heard the sounds of bells - finding themselves in Woolpit。 Some of the more unusual theories proposed for the origin of the children are that they were Hollow Earth children, parallel dimension children, or Extraterrestrial children。 网友评论
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