2009年12月30日 09:44 国际在线
![]() Almonds
Almonds Heart-healthy almonds boast immune-boostingantioxidant vitamin E, which can reduce your chance of catching coldsand developing respiratory infections. You’ll need more than a servingof almonds for your daily dose though, so try fortified cereals,sunflower seeds, turnip greens and wheat germ, too. 杏仁 有益心脏的杏仁富含能够增强免疫力的抗氧化剂维他命E,而维他命E可以降低你得感冒和患呼吸道感染的几率。为了保证每天的维他命E摄入量,只吃那么点儿杏仁还不够,因此你可以尝试食用强化谷物、葵花籽、萝卜叶和麦芽。注:杏仁有微毒,食用时应先脱毒。成人每日摄入量不超过十粒。 ![]() Mushrooms
Mushrooms Mushrooms used to get overlooked as a healthfood, but they possess two big weapons you need this flu season:selenium, which helps white blood cells produce cytokines that clearsickness, and beta glucan, an antimicrobial type of fiber, which helps activate “superhero” cells that find and destroy infections。 蘑菇 蘑菇是一种健康食物,但过去一直被人们所忽视。它们拥有你在这个流感季节所需的两个重要“武器”:硒——它能够帮助白血球产生消灭疾病的细胞因子;β- 葡聚糖——一种抗菌型纤维,能够帮助激活“超级英雄”细胞,使这些细胞发现并破坏感染。 ![]() Tea
Tea Researchers at Harvard University found that drinking five cups of black tea a day quadrupled the body’s immune defense system after two weeks, probably because of theanine. Tea also contains catechins, including EGCG, which act like a cleanup crew against free radicals。 茶 哈佛大学的研究人员发现,每天喝五杯红茶,两星期后身体的免疫防御系统会增强四倍,这可能是茶氨酸的功劳。茶还含有儿茶酚(益多酚便是其中之一),这种物质会像一支清理大军一样消除自由基。 网友评论
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