2009年12月31日 11:20 沪江英语
7.美国新奥尔良的法国街 Forget Bourbon Street -- New Orleans locals head to Frenchmen Street when they want to party. Frenchmen Street has a much more bohemian quality than what we've seen so far, and is famed for its bars and cafes filled with great musicians and bands. Expect dancing in the street, impromptu brass bands parading through, lots of drinking, and it being New Orleans, you'll probably see a few eccentric costumes, too。 新奥尔良市的法国街是当地人真正中意的派对胜地,这里的酒吧和小咖啡屋里有真正的音乐家和让你眼前一亮的乐队。而且有可能看到一些有趣的当地习俗。 澳洲悉尼湾
8.澳洲悉尼湾 As one of the first major cities to celebrate New Year's Eve, Sydney ensures that the rest of the world has a tough act to follow. With a midnight fireworks display witnessed all around the world, the "Harbour of Light" parade and plenty of drinking establishments combine to make this a world famous event. It starts at 1 p.m., with the first firing of the harbor cannon, and goes on into the early hours of January 1st. Over a million people are expected to attend this year, and given it is summer in Sydney, you won’t have to wrap up to stay warm。 悉尼是全球首批大肆庆祝新年的城市之一。虽然同样是烟火表演,但有港湾的悉尼的确占据天时地利。庆祝活动从下午一点开始、一直延续到元旦凌晨。而且在南半球正是夏天,不用把自己裹得严严实实,都可以过新年啦! 纽约时代广场
9.纽约时代广场 Of course, this is the most famous New Year's Eve event in the world. The big ball descending in Times Square is watched by a million people in the flesh, and a billion more around the world. Star-studded musical performances, pyrotechnics and myriad bars and clubs in close proximity make this as big a party as they come. It is so firmly etched into popular culture that many people feel it is something which has to be experienced at least once in your life. Times Square is always throbbing with energy, and on New Year's Eve it could power the entire Eastern seaboard。 时代广场的新年庆祝地球人都知道。每年有上百万人到现场、超过千万的人通过电视转播观看。因为太有名,它甚至成了一种文化象征,有人觉得一生非经历一次不可。你呢? 巴西里约热内卢 阿卡普尔科海滩
10.巴西里约热内卢 阿卡普尔科海滩 As something memorable, a New Year's Eve beach party in Brazil is hard to beat. Beautiful women, fireworks, a carnival atmosphere, an incredible setting on the most famous beach in the world, and you have all the ingredients you need to have the most incredible New Year’s experience of your life. Known locally as "Reveillon," the entire beach turns into an all-day party, with several musical stages, dancing, and everyone dressed in white (it’s tradition). Over two million people turn up along the four kilometers of sand, making this the ultimate New Year’s party, which you simply mustn’t miss。 巴西的新年集会也许我们还不太熟悉,但它火热的程度丝毫不输前面介绍的所有。想想吧,那是巴西呢!美女、海滩、烟火、狂欢……你还期望什么呢? 网友评论
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