
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年01月29日 11:22   中国日报网英语点津

  Japan's traditional, female-dominated art of flower arranging is returning toits masculine roots, for an entirely modern reason: it's become a way for male employees to prune away their stress。

  Ikebana, or "the way of flowers," dates back more than 500 years and first blossomed among male artisans and aristocrats。

  Aimedat creating harmony between man and nature as well as heightening theappreciation of the rhythms of the universe, arrangements are conductedin silence using only organic elements put together in a minimalist style。

  Andit's this creativity and spirituality that has attracted thousands ofJapanese men to reclaim the art form that has more recently beenassociated with women。

  "Nowadaysthere are a lot of people seeking something that makes them feel atease," said Gaho Isono, a master ikebana instructor at Sogetsu, foundedin 1927 and one of the first schools to offer flower arranging coursesto men。

  "There are many hobbies people can do now and there's no longer the preconception

  that men cannot arrange flowers. They are free to choose whatever theylike and the number of men choosing flowers is actually increasing."

  Japanese society has traditionally put much emphasis on hard work and employees regularly put in long hours in the office, which increases the risk ofdepression, mental health organizations say。

  The nation, which has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, even has a term for death by overwork -- karoshi -- making stress-relieving activities such as ikebana all the more popular。

  Flower compositions arranged according to the traditional principles of ikebana are said to represent the relationship between heaven, mankindand earth。

  Thereare an estimated 3,000 ikebana schools across Japan with some 15million enthusiasts, most of whom see flower arrangement as an antidote to their hectic lives。

  "Each time when the class starts at first I feel tired from work," said male student Koji Takahashi, 45.

  Some men have spent years mastering the art form and now teach new students the the rapeutic effects of ikebana。





  创建于1927年的“草月流”插花学校的花道大师矶野雅邦说:“当今社会,很多人都在寻求能让自己身心放松的东西。” 草月流花道学校是最早面向男性开设插花课程的学校之一。









  ikebana: Japanese flower arranging, that has strict formal rules (日本)插花术,花道

  minimalist: an artist, a musician, etc. who uses very simple ideas or a very small number of simple things in their work 极简抽象派艺术家;简约主义者

  preconception: an idea or opinion that is formed before you have enough information or experience 事先形成的观念;先入之见;预想;成见

  all the more:更加

  antidote: anything that takes away the effects of something unpleasant 消除不愉快的事物;矫正方法

  therapeutic: helping you to relax 有助于放松精神的


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