双语阅读:奥巴马发表国情咨文(图)奥巴马带着change的诺言上任已经满一年了,情况如何呢?变革没有实现,经济情况和就业情况还是一团烂摊子,民众支持率更是一路下跌——真打击自信心啊。可是奥巴马的国情咨文中偏偏以相当坦率的态度和口吻一一承认了这些失败之处,毫不掩饰,并依旧做出恢复经济增长就业的承诺。这让人们多少重拾了几点信心。来年他的成绩如何,大家拭目以待吧。 ![]() 奥巴马带着change的诺言上任已经满一年了
A humbled Barack Obama vowed to fight on after candidly admitting he shared the blame for the setbacks suffered during his first year in the White House。 奥巴马以谦逊的姿态在他的国情咨文报告中宣誓要继续努力,同时也坦然承认,对自己执政的第一年中国家所遭受的挫折负有责任。 And in a rare moment of candour from a sitting president, Mr Obama acknowledged the public's faith in him was slipping。 很少有在职的总统像他这样如此坦率地承认,公众对自己的信心正在下降。 "Change has not come fast enough," he admitted in a 70-minute speech which largely focused on the moribund U.S. jobs market。 “变革来的还不够快。”奥巴马在70分钟长的演讲中如此说道。演讲主要针对低迷不振的就业市场。 He said he accepted his 'share of the blame' for not adequately explaining his plans to the public over the past year。 他说他为自己在过去的一年中,没能向公众充分阐明自己计划这点接受应得的责备。 He did not try to gloss over criticisms of his healthcare reforms and heavy spending on the banking bail-out."Our administration has had some political setbacks this year, and some of them were well-deserved," he said。 他没有试图掩饰招致批评的医保改革方案以及花费巨大的银行救助计划。他承认:“今年,政府工作中遇到了一些困难,其中有些是咎由自取。” "Icampaigned on the promise of change... and right now, I know that thereare many Americans who aren't sure if they still believe we can change,or at least that I can deliver it." “我以变革的名义当选总统……而现在,我知道有很多人不确定我值不值得相信,至少他们不确定我能不能实现诺言。” "Someare frustrated, some are angry. They don't understand why it seems likebad behaviour on Wall Street is rewarded but hard work on Main Streetisn't." “一些人很沮丧。一些人很生气。他们不明白为什么华尔街精英们犯了错还有回报,而普通小镇上的人努力工作还赚不到钱。” "But remember this,"he added. "I never suggested that change would be easy, or that I can do it alone." “但请记住,”奥那马补充说道,“我从未说过变革是件很容易的事,也没说过我可以单枪匹马完成变革。” Positioninghimself as a champion of the middle class - which in America meansblue-collar workers - Mr Obama adopted a relaxed tone on Wall Street profligacy。 奥巴马以中产阶级佼佼者的身份——在美国这表示蓝领阶层——用轻松的口吻讲述了华尔街人士的挥霍无度。 He said: "If there's one thing that has unified Democrats and Republicans, it's that we all hated the bank bail-out." 他说:“如果有件事是能统一起民主党和共和党人,那就是我们都痛恨银行救助计划。” He also kept his watching wife Michelle happy, earning her two ovations by praising her health initiatives, which included efforts to tackle child obesity。 奥巴马的演讲中还提到了米歇尔倡导的医疗措施,其中包括了解决儿童肥胖困扰的方案,带来了两次全体鼓掌,让在场的米歇尔十分欣慰。 On jobs and the economy, there were no sweeping fresh initiatives, but Mr Obama sought to repackage his existing priorities。 在就业和经济问题上,奥巴马没有提出新的全面措施,但他试图重新整合现有的重点方案。 As such he promoted the job creation potential of his healthcare reforms and clean energy legislation。 由此,他宣扬了医疗改革方案和清洁能源立法方案所能带来的新就业趋势。 He also set a goal of doubling exports over the next five years, an increase he claimed would create two million jobs。 他也立下了五年内将出口总值翻一番的目标,声称此举将增加两百万就业机会。 Seeking to find the populist groove missing since his campaign days, the president said: "Jobs must be ournumber one focus in 2010. People are out of work. They are hurting.They need our help." 为再次体现竞选时的平民态度,奥巴马说:“2010年就业将是我们的工作重心。有越来越多的失业者正在遭受困境。他们需要我们的帮助。”
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