
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月04日 14:34   沪江英语

  《阿凡达》已经在金球奖上大获全胜,那么在接下来的影坛最大盛事奥斯卡上,它是否能够赢得电影学院的垂青?下面的十大理由有褒有贬,全都是重要的影响因素(or not……)



  "Avatar" SHOULD win an Oscar....for its motion capture technology。

  We've seen motion capture in movies before, but never has it been so believable. At first, I found the Na'vi awfully fake, but at some point during the film, they became so lifelike. I can't figure out when it happened - just an amazing feat in technology。



  "Avatar" SHOULD NOT win an Oscar....because of its repetitive storytelling。

  We've seen this story before. Intruders seek to destroy indigenous species, man goes undercover to connect with said species, man falls in love, gets angry about destruction of species. And I know that George Lucas used famous myths and legends to craft his "Star Wars" story, but that didn't win Best Pictureeither。



  "Avatar" SHOULD win an Oscar....for James Cameron's imagination。

  When you first see Pandora in its beautiful 3D glory, it's hard not to beamazed. From the floating mountains (still confused at how theygenerate all of the water to sustain those rushing waterfalls), bizarre land animals, to the local language - coming up with all this stuff ain't easy。



  "Avatar" SHOULD NOT win an Oscar....for the performances。

  Don'tget me wrong, the performances in the film are solid - but in no wayaward worthy. I will say that "Avatar" showcases some of the bestacting in front of a blue screen, but compared to other work out therethis year? I'm not buying it。



  "Avatar" SHOULD win an Oscar....for the 3-D technology。

  A few days after seeing "Avatar," I caught "Disney's A Christmas Carol." There is no comparison.James Cameron wasn't kidding when he said his film would change the waywe see 3-D, it's the best use of it yet. Cameron avoids the 3-D clicheslike throwing objects into the theater. Instead, the film usesdepth-of-field and vast landscapes to bring the audience to Pandora。

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