
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月04日 14:34   沪江英语

  人类渴望潘多拉星球上的矿藏,那个矿叫啥?Unobtainium刚!un-obtain-ium 其实就是 unobtainable-ium,直译就是“得不到的+元素”。擦汗,说出去都有点坍台咧……

  "Avatar" SHOULD NOT win an Oscar....because of "unobtainium."

  So the Earth now runs on a mineral called "unobtainium?" Seriously - it's called "unobtainium." There should be a clause at all award shows - "If your film contains a person, place, or thing called 'unobtainium,' you are hereby disqualified from competiting in said award show."



  "Avatar" SHOULD win an Oscar....for the cinematography。

  This goes along with the 3-D entry, director of photography Mauro Fiore works wonders with a land that doesn't exist。



  "Avatar" SHOULD NOT win an Oscar....for its illogical plot devices。

  I know I'm picking here - but in a future where humanity can travel toother planets and create an alien body that can be controlled by ahuman mind, why is there still a man in a wheelchair? Have we got ourpriorities straight or what?



  "Avatar" SHOULD win an Oscar....for its lack of obesity。

  It looks like humanity finally got in shape. Not only are we all physically fit, but we all look like movie stars. The ripped aliens of Pandora should appreciate our attention to the human form。


  "Avatar" SHOULD NOT win an Oscar....for its lack of obesity。

  You'retelling me every one of the bright blue Na'vi are in incredible shape?There has to be one overweight alien who tapped into the Tree of Soulsone too many times, right? Come on!

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